'Nobilo's Chardonnay ®' rose References
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p7 1984. Nobilo's Chardonnay - Macrelea. Nicknamed Release.
Seedling books Books NZ 1972-85. 1982-1983. p16 1978. 344. Nobilo's Chardonnay. Release. MACrelea. (Freude x Babich) List of distributors....
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 433. Includes photo(s). Nobilo's Chardonnay (MACrelea, 'Chardonnay', 'Chardony', 'Peachy') Large-flowered/Hybrid Tea. McGredy (New Zealand) 1984... brilliant orange-yellow flowers...
Website/Catalog (Aug 1998) Page(s) 4. Chardonnay Hybrid Tea. (MACrelease) McGredy 1988... a superb rose of large peach coloured blooms with a delicate perfume...
Book (1991) Page(s) 112. Final Analysis 1990-91 Nobilos Chardonnay MACrelea: McGredy 1985; 'Freude' x 'Benson & Hedges Gold'; creamy gold; 41 reports on 48 bushes; 1-5 years; 1.6 metres; 7.2 rating. Good unfading colour, great petal texture, no classical form, long lasting blooms both on bush and in vase, with spring display the best, slow to average flush repeat, but generally a few "stragglers' showing colour, large glossy light green foliage to enhance, on a generally good bush with excellent health. From reports, it would appear to do better in warm dry areas rather than the cooler south. Many bushes sold appear to suffer from dieback too - a pity. In humid country areas, blackspot will annoy. Some have found it slow to settle in. Warts and all, this is as good a rose for your garden as its name in a bottle is on your table!
Book (1990) Page(s) 86. Don Sheppard. Review of Newer Roses for 1989-90 Season Nobilo's Chardonnay MACrelea. McGredy 1985. ('Freude' x 'Benson & Hedges Gold'); creamy gold; 11 reports; 18 bushes; 1-4 years; 1.6m. 7.3 rating. Two reporters have poor bushes, the others are well satisfied, especially with the heavy textured petals and soft colouring of the rather loose blooms. Blooms come late in spring, weather well and repeat is quick. The bush is solid and very healthy, the foliage being a lovely large shiny darkish green. Some bushes sold suffer from quite severe die back,a pity. Again a highly recommended rose for all the country.
Book (1989) Page(s) 94. Don Sheppard. Review of Newer Roses for 1988-89 Season Nobilo's Chardonnay MACrelea; McGredy 1985; creamy gold; 11 reports; 11 bushes; 1-4 years; 1.5m; 7.5 rating. Again reports have come in from Northland to Southland and are all well rated, except in Northland where a poor bush is going to be replaced this winter. Gisborne is not over-excited overall. The colour is good, but blooms are a little loose and definitely not show bench stuff. Still, they are good and always produced in quantity, except in Southland. Repeat is about average and the perfume is very pleasing. From reports it would appear to prefer hot climates. The foliage is shiny, mid-green and very healthy, except in Golden Bay where blackspot and spiders like it. The bush is strong and upright. Considered a very worthwhile rose, but best in hot weather.
Book (1988) Page(s) 96. Don Sheppard. Review of Newer Roses for 1987-88 Season Nobilo's Chardonnay MACrelea; McGredy 1985. creamy gold; 10 reports; 10 bushes; 1-3 years; 1.3m; 7.6 rating. First reports from Manawatu and Southland, say form and petal texture are good, colour is pleasing with no fading and the dark glossy green foliage is very healthy. Southland felt it should give a few more blooms. In Kaitaia the form is loose, but texture and health are excellent. it is doing well for all reporters and is considered an excellent, very promising rose.
Book (1984) Page(s) 148. Egmont Roses advertisement. MACrelea HT. Not yet named. Big blooms of creamy gold on a robust plant, glossy foliage. McGredy 1985.
Book (1983) Page(s) 413. Nobilo's Chardonnay® Hybrid Tea, orange yellow, 1984, (MACrelea; 'Chardonnay'; 'Chardony'); 'Freude' x ('Wienerwald' x 'Benson & Hedges Gold'); McGredy, Sam. Description.