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'Téquila ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 145-119
most recent 23 MAY 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 MAY 23 by Kim W Florida 10b Humid
Available from - High Country Roses
Discussion id : 110-256
most recent 26 APR 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 APR 18 by Michael Garhart
Still own this rose. Its among the few that never get the shovel treatment.

It's a very easy rose. Cuttable. Looks cute. Grows well. Nice, moderate scent. Blooms a lot.

It did get severe dieback in Winter 2016/17, but bounced right back, and it does fade poorly. But it blooms a lot so who cares.

Conclusion: Not perfect, but easy mode and stays in its lane.
Discussion id : 51-081
most recent 26 DEC 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 DEC 10 by Jay-Jay
Gold at The Hague 2010 for Floribunda. The Fiftieth "Internationale Haagse Rozen Concours".
Discussion id : 20-566
most recent 24 MAR 08 SHOW ALL
Initial post 28 JUL 07 by Judith C.
Orange to yellow/cream/pale pink. Not yellow as it is often shown in catalogues. Very little yellow in fact. Very mild fragrance. Cluster-flowered. A good rosebush.
Reply #1 of 6 posted 13 FEB 08 by Michael Garhart
Mine is strong apricot except in extreme August heat, which it becomes a pastel coral shade. I like the color change though.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 13 FEB 08 by Judith C.
Yes, beautiful, isn't it, Michael?! More orange than yellow, don't you think?
Reply #3 of 6 posted 13 FEB 08 by Michael Garhart
In a way, yes. It is like it is layered underneath when seeing it in person. I find it hard to describe, which I find amusing lol. But I agree that it isn't a true yellow whatsoever.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 12 MAR 08 by Unregistered Guest
Would I be able to train the Tequila rose on a 5'h x 6'w iron fence? I think the fence is too small for a regular climber, so trying to think of something else. I also have Graham Thomas, but that doesn't bloom frequently enough for this fence (focal point). Any other suggestions?
Reply #5 of 6 posted 24 MAR 08 by Judith C.
Sorry, Claudia. Have only just discovered your question ... I guess Tequila would manage it ... if pruned in the right way. Though it might take some time. Otherwise I have Polka, a climber which blooms very frequently. Any good? Not quite as striking colour-wise, I'm afraid. But it's a nice one all the same ...
Reply #6 of 6 posted 24 MAR 08 by Unregistered Guest
Thank you so much for the suggestion. Actually I went and found the "Blaze of Glory" rose on sale at Armstrong, a climber so we're all set! I'll have to find another home for a Tequila!
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