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'TINchocolate' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 37-270
most recent 16 JUN 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 JUN 09 by AnneU
White Chocolate (TINchocolate) introduced by Tiny Petals (California) 2001, color cream. Source
Discussion id : 17-385
most recent 18 MAR 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 MAR 07 by HanfordRose
The color of this rose is somewhere between a soft gold to rich cream, like a hunk of white chocolate. The flowers have HT form and are usually one-to-a-stem. The foliage is healthy and deep green. The plant get about 3 feet tall and as wide.

The blooms last a few days of the bush, before opening; but may be difficult to use for show, because they tend to open quickly when cut.

A little powdery mildew in the middle of summer.
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