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'Welcon' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 77-400
most recent 31 MAR 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 MAR 14 by AndrewBarocco
It is very rare that I see something inaccurate on a rose listing, but saying Top Contender has no fragrance is not right. Today at the LSU AgCenter Spring Garden Show, K&M roses was selling a few mini-floras including Top Contender. I have to out off all of the licorice scented rose, this one is by far the strongest I've ever smelled! I know fragrance can be variable so I got the opionion of other horticulturists and rosarians there and everyone today agreed on a strong Licorice or Anise fragrance. Also, this rose should be listed as thornless or nearly so. This is a very smooth rose on both stem and rachis.
Discussion id : 34-179
most recent 24 FEB 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 FEB 09 by John Moody
Available from Almost Heaven Roses,
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