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'R. stellata mirifica' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 86-034
most recent 20 JUN 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 JUN 15 by Tessie
Very odd. I grow this rose and it shows up in my list of roses on HMF, but if I go to Rosa stellata mirifica's page and look under the Gardens tab, no gardens in the US are listed.

Update a few minutes later. I changed the garden location drop down menu to all countries. And sure enough my garden showed up. Then I switched location back to United States, and my garden showed up along with some others.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 19 JUN 15 by Kim Rupert
Hi Tessie, good to see you back! I emailed you directly several weeks ago with photos of a rose we saw on the San Juan Bautista garden tour I think is a species hybrid. As you grow so many, I wondered if you might recognize it. I sent it to the email address linked here. Perhaps it might not have arrived? BTW, if and when your Stellata begins suckering, I would appreciate being permitted to beg one from you. Thanks! Kim
Reply #2 of 3 posted 20 JUN 15 by Tessie
Hi Kim,

Ooops, I think an email from you sounds familiar, but I had some crises to deal with recently, and my email has been neglected. Sorry.

Great minds think alike. I was planning on trying to layer it in the fall, when the weather is cooler. Marissa suggested, since the plant she sent was small, that I keep it in a pot for a while. So that is what I am doing. Being in a pot does make it available for layering, once it is a teensy bit bigger and able to withstand my low-tech layering technique (the same one utilizing a rock that netted you Pure Bea*g*). You are welcome to a layeree.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 20 JUN 15 by Kim Rupert
Hi Tessie, thank you! Pure Bea is exploding in the cooler, damper climate here in Santa Maria, thank you! I hope your family emergencies have resolved themselves well and all is good. I'm glad you're OK!
Discussion id : 82-201
most recent 26 DEC 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 DEC 14 by Sambolingo
Available from - David Austin Roses Limited, UK
Discussion id : 24-607
most recent 7 MAR 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 MAR 08 by Cass
Good herbarium specimens can be viewed online at the New Mexico State University online herbarium. They capture the wedge-shaped leaflets. The index is:
Reply #1 of 1 posted 7 MAR 08 by RoseBlush

It looks like this web site should be added to HMF's USEFUL LINKS.

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