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'Variegata di Barni ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 91-884
most recent 4 APR 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 APR 16 by Renato Emma
ROSA 'Variegata di Barni'
Rosa cespuglio Ibrido Tea, a portamento vigoroso/eretto, folto e ben ramificato. Foglie lucide, verde scuro, rosso bronzeo da giovane. Fiori a gambo lungo, md/grandi, fondo giallo striato arancio, per lo piu' solitari o riuniti in mazzi. Fragranza moderata, dolce e delicata. Rustica. Resistente a freddo/smog/malattie; rifiorente. H.80-100cm L.60cm. Fiori x esposizione e taglio.
(ROSACEAE) (Enrico Barni, Rose Barni, Italia, 2005)
Reply #1 of 1 posted 4 APR 16 by Patricia Routley
Renato Emma - we seem to have all those details. Would you like us to add it as a reference for our Italian members? If so, we will need the source, year and page number please.
Discussion id : 85-533
most recent 1 JUN 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 JUN 15 by Krimrose
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