'Rosa hemisphaerica Herrm.' rose Photos
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Rose photo courtesy of Johno
The Heritage Garden, South Australia, 23/10/24
Uploaded 26 OCT |
From "Rosen-Sammlung zu Wilhelmshöhe", by Salomon Pinhas, 1815, tab 73 Courtesy of Google
Uploaded 10 JUL 23 |
Rose photo courtesy of Johno
The Heritage Garden, South Australia, 23/10/24
Uploaded 26 OCT |
illustration [as R. sulphurea] by Sydenham Edwards from The Botanical Register, 1815; scan courtesy Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 7 AUG 22 |
Rose photo courtesy of Johno
The Heritage Garden, South Australia, 23/10/24
Uploaded 26 OCT |
Rose photo courtesy of Johno
Roseraie du Val-de-Marne à l'Haÿ-les-roses
Uploaded 24 SEP 21 |
From "Lyon horticole", September 1907, Nr. 17, p. 327 Courtesy of BnF Gallica
Uploaded 10 FEB 24 |
Rose photo courtesy of Johno
Roseraie du Val-de-Marne à l'Haÿ-les-roses
Uploaded 24 SEP 21 |
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