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'Minawco' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 87-017
most recent 2 AUG 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 AUG 15 by styrax
Lovely mini with great color, surprisingly little BS. The blooms are coffe-yellow to brown blushed mauve, with something that looks a little like a tan halo at the petal bases.
Discussion id : 83-964
most recent 30 MAR 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 MAR 15
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Reply #1 of 1 posted 30 MAR 15 by Patricia Routley
Thanks Salix. Parentage for 'Suntan Beauty' is [(Angel Face × Golden Angel) × Yellow Jewel].
Reply #2 of 1 posted 30 MAR 15 by styrax
Discussion id : 16-955
most recent 6 AUG 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 FEB 07 by Anonymous-107949
I have been seriously trying to locate "Suntan Beauty". You listed Just Joey's, and they responded that I should check your website. I tried Sequoia and Uncommon Rose and John's Miniatures, who all said they'd not have again until 2008. Is there anyone else I could try?
Reply #1 of 8 posted 4 MAR 07 by jedmar
Sorry, these are the only nurseries which are listed in the Combined Rose List as suppliers for this rose.
Reply #2 of 8 posted 20 JUL 07 by Drasaid
I have one. It is rather small, and inexplicably turns out red in the hot Texas weather.
I am fairly sure it is Suntan Beauty; it survived Hurricane Katrina and neglect afterwards.
Let me know if you want cuttings or whatever.

Reply #3 of 8 posted 26 JUL 07 by karen west
Dear Sarah, I can't tell you how thrilled I was to receive your e-mail! Yes, I'm still looking for "Suntan Beauty". I gave up in spring, and ordered "Smoke Signal", but it is blooming a pale lavender, not at all what I expected. Yes, I would very much appreciate a cutting of "Suntan", but it is my understanding that the Calif. Dept. of Agriculture has strict standards for importing plant material from out-of-state. Do you know anything about this? If not, I will attempt to contact someone there and find out how to go about it. Do you want a fee for the cutting? Please advise.
Reply #4 of 8 posted 27 JUL 07 by Unregistered Guest
they may have strict standards but they don't enforce them . . . .
Jam a well wrapped plant in a ziploc bag into a Priority Mail box and you are good to go.
If you are feeling felonious, I can send you the suntan beauty (I'm pretty sure that is what it is). Can you send me
Myrtus Ugni or
Crazy Dottie or
Single's Better or
Oriental Simlex or
Secret Garden Musk Climber or
just tempt me with mini roses or edible stuff . . . Luma Apiculata is another plantlust of mine..
Reply #5 of 8 posted 29 JUL 07 by HMF Admin
Sarah & Karen,

We must insist our forum not be used in any manner supporting or facilitating illegal activity.
Reply #6 of 8 posted 31 JUL 07 by Unregistered Guest
oh ok sorry. I have sent stuff to California before (as well as left with stuff I bought) and did not get any grief. I think the rules are more for big companies than individuals, or we'd hear more about it.
Reply #7 of 8 posted 1 AUG 07 by Wendy C
The state of CA does take it seriously. If you enter the state, you aren't allowed to bring any plant material in. Not even an apple core.
The state ecomomy depends on fruit and other food crops. If someone accidentally sends in a new insect or disease it could be devastating to the crops. There are reasons for these restrictions.
Reply #8 of 8 posted 6 AUG 07 by karen west
Sarah: We have real concerns in California about importing exotic pests. We're currently trying to combat apple moths and sudden-oak-death diseases. I checked with our county ag. office and was told that I can send you cuttings if I bring them to their office for inspection and certification on the day I mail them. I'd guess you could do the same in Texas. Next question: how do I contact you? Karen
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