'Aimable Rouge' rose Description
Photo courtesy of jedmar
Agatha/Agathe, Centifolia, Damask, Gallica / Provins.
Light pink, darker center, white edges. Red buds. Moderate fragrance. Average diameter 2". Medium, very double, cupped, quartered, rounded bloom form. Once-blooming spring or summer.
USDA zone 4b through 8b. Disease susceptibility: very disease resistant. Remove old canes and dead or diseased wood.. Prune after flowering is finished.
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
Some differences of opinion about breeder, see References for more information. The current 'Aimable rouge' does not conform to early descriptions which are of a light pink rose with whitish edges. See 'Aimable Rouge' (in commerce).
Brent Dickerson, author of The Old Rose Advisor and The Old Rose Adventurer, says the breeder of this rose is Vibert and the date of introduction 1819... but he also says the breeder is Godefroy and the date pre-1811 (see References)... there were apparently two roses by this name. Pronville believes 'Aimable rouge' is the 'Royal Virgin Rose' pictured by Miss Lawrance.
To complicate matters further, this may or may not be the same rose as 'Great Royal' which was listed in the Wasemequia Nurseries Catalog of 1848-1849 and mentioned in The American Rose Annual of 1926, p. 14. That rose was described as "Red, hundred-leaved, tall."