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'Heroes Rose' References
Website/Catalog  (13 Feb 2021)  Includes photo(s).
Heroes Rose.  "On a day when buildings fell, heroes rose."
There were countless individuals who proved themselves to be heroes both during and after the tragic events of September 11, 2001. In an attempt to pay tribute to the numerous acts of self-sacrifice that day, we named our 2013 Floribunda of the Year Heroes Rose. We chose this purple rose because its color is the perfect combination of blue and red, the colors representative of the amazing men and women from the fire and police departments who responded so quickly and so bravely on 9/11. The name was selected to honor the first responders as well as the regular citizens who stepped forward with no thought to their own safety to save the lives of friends and strangers alike. President George W. Bush said it best during his speech at the dedication of the 9/11 Pentagon Memorial: "On a day when buildings fell, heroes rose. This gorgeous new floribunda will be the pride and joy of your rose garden. Its 3-inch, lightly fragrant, plum-colored blooms stand out beautifully against the glossy, dark green foliage. You'll love the little touch of white accenting the central part of the flower and the pretty yellow stamens, which make a wonderful contrast to the darker petals.....
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