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Walsh, Michael H.
'Walsh, Michael H.'  photo
Photo courtesy of scvirginia
Rose Breeder, Author and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Sun Feb 2025
Wood's Hole, Massachusetts
United States
See nice website at Cape Code Heritage Roses.
[From The Book on Roses, by Dr. G. Griffin Lewis, p. 134-5: Mr. H. Walsh of Woods Hole, Mass., was born in North Wales, England, in 1848. He began garden work at twelve years of age, and in 1868 he moved to Boston, Mass. He specialized in climbers of the Hybrid Wichuraiana class, having introduced over fifty well-known roses....He died on April 10, 1922, at 74 years of age.

[From The Ultimate Rose Book, by Stirling Macoboy, p. 168:] Walsh was "the Rambler specialist"... M.H. Walsh of Woods Hole, Massachusetts...

[From Botanica's Roses, p. 412:] M.H. Walsh... raised forty climbing roses between 1901 and 1920; many are still popular, including 'Lady Gay' and 'Excelsa'...
[Ibid, p. 230:] Walsh produced a series of successful ramblers from his home in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, between 1901 and 1920.

[From an advertisment for the Estate of M.H. Walsh, Rose Specialist, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, in the American Rose Annual 1926, p. xiv:] Walsh's Roses include the choicest and hardiest varieties in the several classes: also Walsh's world-famed Ramblers, Baby Ramblers or Polyanthas, Rugosas, etc.

From Injury to Rose Gardens (1902): In 1901, the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad accidentally burned down Walsh's rose nursery that was located across the street from the railroad's buildings. Among the roses mentioned in the litigation, some of which may not have been introduced were: J.S. Fay (HP); Lillian Nordica (HT); Débutante, La Fiama, Miss Simplicity, Fairy Queen (ramblers); Flush o' Dawn, Aurania, Princess, Lady Gay (HT's); and 350 unnamed seedlings. (at p. 11).

[[From Rose Letter, August 2013, p. 7:] Michael Walsh (1848-1922) may have been the most prolific of these latter day 19th century rose breeders, accruing 42 varieties in his twenty years of rose experimentation. Arriving from England on American shores in 1868, he made his home and business sometime later in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. He became an ardent supporter of the American Rose Society in its early years.]
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