'Albertine' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
22 OCT 17 by
Is Albertine self cleaning or does it hold on its wasted blooms for the rest of the year? This is important to know for rampant ramblers like this if one does not feel deadheading a large rambler under the heat is an enjoyable passtime.
The 2011 reference says: " Later the bloom dies most ungracefully and hangs on to its dead petals. Not in a spreading way, but losing all oomph in the petal and just collapsing to hang like a wet dishcloth in the middle of the pretty cluster."
Nevertheless, I would not be without it.
#6 of 11 posted
24 OCT 17 by
On this part (Albertine is a triploid and sets no hips) of what You wrote in that article, I have to respectfully disagree as for setting hips... for it sets quite a few hips. See attached photo's I made today. Sorry for the less sharp photo's, for the light-conditions were bad and I didn't have a steady stand and or hand.
That is so interesting Jay-Jay. You certainly have many hips there. I've double checked where that information came from and it was G. D. Rowley, writing in the 1960 American Rose Annual, page 110 on Triploid Garden Roses. Among the other Wichuraiana roses he mentioned in the article were 'American Pillar', Dr. W. van Fleet', 'New Dawn', 'Albertine' and 'Emily Gray'.
I actually do have a photo of a miserable hip or two on 'American Pillar' and will add that to its file. Perhaps it may be that a hip may not signify fertility? But I will be watching my 'Albertine' for hips this year. Patricia
#8 of 11 posted
24 OCT 17 by
Maybe it needs our weather? On the other hand, this year was exceptionally sunny and dry over here. I'll harvest the hips and sow some seeds.
#10 of 11 posted
26 OCT 17 by
Being triploid discourages seed fertility, not necessarily hip setting. Hip setting is very much affected by the existence of well developed reproductive organs on the flower.
#2 of 11 posted
23 OCT 17 by
The dead flowers hang for a while, but after a while, when the hips swell, the petals disappear. But maybe that was due to a lot of rain and wind. Will observe this next year.
If you blast the bush with a leaf blower it will remove a lot of the dead flowers. This also works quite well for Camellias.
Interesting thought. Someone advised me to deadhead a "ground-cover" rose with a golf-club.
#5 of 11 posted
24 OCT 17 by
I can frequently be seen beating my monstrous Christine Helene with a long stick. I don't know what the neighbours think, and I don't actually care - by this I get rid of all the wilted petals without deadheading. And Christine Helene has hundreds of blooms. While hips form on the beaten part, she makes new trusses on new canes. So that's my low-tech recommendation, beat it with a stick. Love the golf club tip as well.
I would have never thought about this tip (and the leaf blower) as a way to deal with dead flower petals as an alternative to deadheading a massive prickly shrub. I've avoided getting some of the larger gorgeous roses, because of the deadheading task, so Thank you!
Pearson's Encyclopedia of Roses (1956), pg. 170. Albertine (Wichuraiana Rambler) (R. wichuraiana X Mrs. A. R. Waddell) Superb red, pink and gold buds opening to coppery-pink blooms. Very fragrant. If there is only room for one rambler, choose this variety. (Barbier, 1921.)
Can you tell me how long this rose blooms in England or similar climate? I have read that it is one of the longer once-bloomers, but no mention of precisely how long! Thank you.
Would anyone have an opinion on Albertine's habit and suitability for growing up a large dead tree? Would it be similar to American Pillar? Many thanks, Jessica
Very similar in habit to American Pillar. If it can hook a cane over a lower dead branch, I am sure it will be just fine from then on.
Just make sure you keep it up off the ground. Most of the ramblers will root down (layer themselves), and this is a prickly one.
Thank you Patricia and Margaret. I just ordered him and hope to report on how he grows. I really appreciate all your advice and comments on this site- I was about to order "May Queen" instead but I saw that you mentioned that she has more of a procumbent habit Margaret and that steered me off.
May Queen is very lovely. I'd give it a go - just keep it up off the ground too.
Agree. ‘May Queen’ is just delightful. I grow it on a Golden Delicious apple tree and the apple and rose bloom just about at the same time. The parrots eat all the apples from this tree so it really serves only as a beautiful prop for ‘May Queen’.
Ahh well I do have this very tall old plum tree that also produced just for the bower birds so perhaps I can get May Queen after all. Thank you both for encouraging my addiction!
#6 of 9 posted
2 MAY 20 by
Keep in mind, that a dead tree might rot and fall over with the fully grown rose. It happened to me with an old oak tree... with a lot of damage. But for the time being, it was a wonderful sight. Another possibility Dentelle de Malines: https://www.helpmefind.com/gardening/l.php?l=21.187967 I grow Albertine on a rose-bench/structure. Very rewarding, but a prickly business to prune and train.
Yes that is a consideration for sure - I did have an arborist look at it and he thought it was OK. Unfortunately the tree is in falling distance to my neighbor's house so hopefully the rose wont act as a sail?! Now I'm worried! Meanwhile, Wow those photos of Dentelle de Malines are amazing - especially since its description lists a height of only 3m. Alas I'm not sure if it is available in Australia. Many thanks for you advice.
#9 of 9 posted
2 MAY 20 by