'JACpico' rose References
Website/Catalog (2008) Page(s) 17. Includes photo(s).
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 70-71. Includes photo(s). One of Rayford Reddell's choices for its cut-flowers... [Reddell predicts] that history will record 'Pristine' as Warriner's finest triumph... With only 28 petals per blossom, flowers should be cut in tight bud... sweetly scented, light pink, wavy petals have edges that seem to have been dipped in darker pink...
Website/Catalog (Aug 1998) Page(s) 8. Pristine (JACpio) Hybrid Tea... one of the few American roses [C&K Jones] feel that can handle England's fickle climate...
Book (1996) Page(s) 67. Pristine (JACpico) Large-flowered (Hybrid Tea) bush. Description. Flowers: ivory tinged blush. Parentage: 'White Masterpiece' x 'First Prize'. Warriner (USA) 1978.
Book (Mar 1995) Page(s) 24. Includes photo(s). Pristine (JACpico) Hybrid Tea. Warriner (USA) 1978... [repeats] very quickly for a hybrid tea... white, with a light mauve-pink border. Fanatics have found that the pink color can be intensified by adding zinc, in the form of vitamin supplement tablets, to the soil around where 'Pristine' grows...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 475. Pristine® Hybrid Tea, white, 1978, (JACpico); 'White Masterpiece' x 'First Prize'; Warriner. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 208. Includes photo(s). Pristine Large-flowered hybrid tea. Parentage: 'White Masterpiece' x 'First Prize'. (aka JACpico) USA 1978. Description and cultivation. Flowers: creamy white with pale pink tints and very fragrant... makes a good cut flower...
Book (1993) Page(s) 152. Includes photo(s). Hybrid Tea. Warriner (USA) 1978. ('White Masterpiece' x 'First Prize') Flowers continuously. May get some blackspot. Height: 120 cm (4 ft.) Good scent.
Magazine (May 1992) Page(s) 2. trimester, p. 11. Hommage à un grand obtenteur Americain: William A. Warriner ....D'autres variétés de cet obtenteur, commercialisées ou non en France sont très connues. Ce sont notamment Jadis (HT très parfumé); Fulgurante (HT rouge foncé); Oratorio (Bel HT pastel); Pristine (HT blanc).
Book (May 1992) Page(s) 400. Pristine (Jacpico) Hybrid Tea. Warriner (USA) 1978... White flowers with a pink blush...