'Delphinie' rose References
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 133. [Under the listing for 'Princesse Adélaïde'] The second and only additional ["mossy Bourbon"] hybrid yet obtained is 'La Delphinie' [i.e., 'Delphinie'], with flowers of a small size and brilliant rose color.
Book (1936) Page(s) 200. Delphine (moss) ? before 1859; vivid flesh-white to pink, small, cup form, growth 7/10
Book (1899) Page(s) 48. Delphine, centifolia muscosa, char vif
Book (1860) Page(s) 124. The Moss Rose...Delphinie, small, beautiful pink, bowl-form.
Magazine (1846) Page(s) 48. Prix courant No. 25 Rosiers hybrides de l'île Bourbon, mousseux. Delphinie, fleur rose vif, pet.....6 francs
Website/Catalog (1845) Page(s) 48. Supplément au Catalogue des Rosiers. Rosiers hybrides d'île Bourbon, mousseux. Delphinie, fleur rose vif, petite...6 fr.