'Apricot Queen' rose References
Article (newspaper) (Apr 2013) Page(s) 2. Includes photo(s). Patricia Routley: Just what makes a Heritage Rose has been long debated and I have joined the debate on the subject with one or two articles in my time. The Rose Societies once laid down the law that any rose bred prior to the so-called first HT ‘La France’, 1867 was a Heritage Rose. In 2009 the Heritage Roses group moved the goal posts forward to 1900. Brent C. Dickerson, the wise old man of rose literature, used 1920 as his cut-off date for Heritage Roses. And as for me, I use 1940 as I was born in that year, am feeling my age a bit and any rose older than I, just has to be a Heritage Rose doesn’t it? Back in my collecting days I got to know Mrs. Alice Dadd at Mullalyup. She too had been collecting roses from old properties for a number of years. Alice’s garden was just filled with old roses and she gave me cuttings of an unknown but beautiful old red hybrid tea, and the 1915 climber ‘Cupid’. As they were planning to move to Dwellingup, she also gave me her bushes of ‘Alain Blanchard’ 1839, ‘William Lobb’ 1855, and one more unknown oldie, all of which were dug up there and then. The lack of water and an appalling rabbit problem were the impetus for the move, but she had a forest of roses in large pots to take, which would have eased the heartstrings. Alice had collected a rose from a property near Nannup, gave it a temporary study name of “Rose Teresa” and got it to her local nursery Mostly Roses where its beauty was recognised. It was propagated for sale under the name of “Cottage Apricot”. Eunice Macdougall, who owned the nursery then, put the foundlings in a special “un-named roses” part of her catalogue and I wish I had bought more of them. I really loved the look of “Rose Teresa” and bought my plant on R. fortuniana rootstock in 1999. It did well for a few years and when the delegates from the Busselton Heritage Rose Conference visited here in 2005, David Ruston recognised “Rose Teresa” as being the 1940 HT Apricot Queen. What a joy to put a name on a rose! ‘Apricot Queen’ was bred by Fred Howard of Howard & Smith in California in 1940 from two 1933 roses ‘Mrs. J. D. Eisele’ x ‘Glowing Sunset’ and it later won an All America Rose Selection award. The slim buds unfurl to large, ruffled delightful blooms of 45 petals in an apricot-salmon-pink colour. The rose is a bit stingy with its blooms but starts producing the goods in the heat of summer and in autumn. It has a fairly distinctive blue-ish cast to the matte leaves and the big prickles are wide-based and fairly straight. My bush is about 1m high. ‘Apricot Queen’ and I are both the same age but it is not growing so well these days. I make these wild promises to each rose that I will look after them more. But the fact of the matter is, these days I am trying to look after myself a little more instead.
Book (2002) Page(s) 22. Rated 6.4
Book (2000) Page(s) 88. ‘Apricot Queen’ = Hybride de Thé – tons abricot, remontant. Cette variété jadis très en vogue est aujourd’hui presque introuvable… boutons sveltes, aux pétales élégamment turbinés, qui s’épanouissent en fleurs rondes et pleines, bien parfumées, abricot nuancé de rose saumon… Howard, USA, 1940. ‘Mrs J.D. Eisele’ x ‘Los Angeles’.
Translation: 'Apricot Queen' = Hybrid Tea - apricot tones, back. This once very popular variety is almost impossible to find today ... buttons slender, elegantly turbinated petals, flowers that bloom in round and full, well-scented, apricot tinged with pink salmon ... Howard, United States, 1940. 'Mrs. J. D. Eisele' x 'Los Angeles'.
Book (1999) Page(s) 88. 'Apricot Queen'. Modern. Large-flowered hybrid tea. Apricot blend. Repeat flowering. What was once a very popular rose is now quite hard to obtain, and the reason must be partly in the deterioration that most varieties suffer after several decades of propagation, and partly in the fact that new roses have more appealing plant qualities than many of the old ones. ‘Apricot Queen’ produces slim buds, with elegantly furled petals, that open into well-filled scented flowers of rounded form. The color is basically apricot with salmon-pink shading and the succession of bloom through summer and autumn is good. Two drawbacks are weak flower stems and skimpy leaf cover. Even so, this is a pretty item for the garden that performs well in warm climates. Zones 5-8. Howard, USA 1940 ‘Mrs. J. D. Eisele' x 'Los Angeles. All-America Rose Selection 1981.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 25. Hybrid Tea, apricot blend, 1940, 'Mrs. J.D. Eisele' x 'Glowing Sunset'; Howard, F.H.; Howard & Smith. Bud pointed; flowers salmon-pink, base apricot-orange, double (45 petals), large; foliage leathery; very vigorous, bushy growth.
Book (1993) Page(s) 56. Includes photo(s). 'Apricot Queen' – Large Flowered. Blending salmon-pink with apricot, the large flowers of ‘Apricot Queen’ are full and ruffled, with forty-five petals, though not quite of show-bench form. They are moderately scented of tea and are borne abundantly on a sturdy bush with dull green foliage. Bred by Fred Howard of Howard & Smith in California, ‘Apricot Queen’ was introduced in 1940, winning the AARS award in 1941. Despite its age, it remains an excellent garden rose particularly in climates plagued by humid summers. Fragrant.
Book (1993) Page(s) 56. Includes photo(s). Apricot Queen Large-flowered. Fred Howard 1940... a blend of salmon-pink with apricot. 'Mrs. J.D. Eisele' x 'Los Angeles'
Book (1959) Page(s) 69. 'Apricot Queen'. Howard & Smith, 1940. 'Mrs. J. D. Eisele' x 'Glowing Sunset'. Salmon-pink to orange at base; long-pointed, large and full, 45 petals. Leathery foliage; vigorous and bushy. An excellent and popular rose in America, but not grown much in England. A.AR.S.
Book (1957) Page(s) 73. Alex Ross. Effect of Modern Rose Introductions upon Show exhibitions. In addition to the foregoing there are also a few varieties which can give a limited number of blooms of exceptional quality. They do not bloom in such profusion that they could be called good dual purpose roses, but as the blooms are such excellent shape and quality they could claim a place in any garden. Just to name a few, …..'Apricot Queen' and ….
Book (1957) Page(s) 181. 'Apricot Queen' (H.T.) ('Mrs. J. D. Eisele' x 'Glowing Sunset'). Orange and apricot, shading to rose and pink. Bushy plant. AARS, 1940. Pat 464 (Howard and Smith, 1940)