'Wiener Symphoniker' rose Reviews & Comments
Meiramboys wasn't bred by Radler (if it was it would be a Rad rose and not a Mei rose)
For the common program between Radler and Meilland, the roses are MeiRad (like Meiradena) ;)
Thank you for correcting this information
#1 of 9 posted
21 JUN 22 by
The breeder assignation Radler is based on the references for 'St. John' at the Australian trials in 2008, which state the rose was bred by Radler for Meilland.
Hi Jedmar,
They made a mistake... and it was corrected in the Australian Rose Annual Book (2012) Page(s) 97. National Rose Trial Garden of Australia Inc. Bronze Medal Winners. Trialled 2006-2008. Year presented 2008. St. John Rose. MEIramboys. HT. Exhibitor: Corporate Roses. Breeder: Meilland, France.
So please correct this mistake ;)
And as I said, all Radler varieties are RAD, all Meilland varieties are MEI and all Radler/Meilland common breeding are MEIRAD ;)
#4 of 9 posted
21 JUN 22 by
Patricia, will you please check?
Sure, later - I see things more clearly in the mornings. Alain/Matthias: is the code Framboise (2009 reference) also a mistake for MEIramboys?
Hi Patricia,
This is the private battlename that shouldn't have been disclosed, but it has been disclosed so you can leave it ;)
Since the last years this is why the breeder's code for rose trials is AM-XXX or MR-XXX so there is no longer any battlename disclosure.
Thanks for asking ;)
Dear Alain/Matthias, I am amazed that you waited all these years to correct the referenced breeder of this 23 year old rose. Before I get to correcting the breeder, I wonder if you could help with linking up any of these:
No name is listed for these 39 coded roses ARB396 ARB919 FLO No. 798 FLO No. 974 FLO No. 291 MEIbondour MEIbrim - date is unknown MEIcadol MEIcalamel MEIdocilis MEIdrange MEIdrihpy - date is unknown MEIduetto MEIficho - date is unknown MEIgebizet MEIgermo MEIgilan MEIgripine MEIkame MEIkanrou MEIlustrel MEImet MEImihyaho MEInantul MEInatul MEInuiso MEInuiton MEIorlum MEIpotcros MEIrakts MEIroladir MEIromar MEIrosfon MEIsurfina MEItekit MEItesel MEItristical MEIxapic MEIxapic
No code is listed for these 57 named roses Alun Amber Meillandina Amie Romantica André Grandier Atoll '99 Belle Rouge (hybrid tea, Meilland) - date is unknown Berliner Schloss ® Bernensis Blanc La Sevillana - date is unknown Carinella - date is unknown Circus Minijet Colossal Meidiland Daikin Duo (Floribunda, Meilland, pr to 2009) ENTrain Estelle Meidiland Europawelle Saar Fairie Minijet FIOcon Fiorella ® (floribunda, Meilland, 2014) Flammentour - date is unknown Flora Romantica Friendly ® Pink Friendly ® purple Friendly ® Sweet Fuchsia Sunblaze Gadpink Ginkgo Helga Piaget Honorine de Balzac Janice Kellogg ® - date is unknown Jumbo Meidiland Knock Out Scent La Comte Fersen La Reine Marie-Antoinette Lilac Beauty Lovely Symphonie ® - date is unknown Madame Sachi Magali (floribunda, Meilland, 1986) Mamours Moulin Rouge (florists rose, Meilland, 2007) Nella Martinetti Noplius Oppeln Plöner Prinzenhaus Ranch Rosalie Lamorlière Salmon Meilove Stadt Aschersleben Star 966 Viola (hybrid tea, Meilland, 1998) Vive les Vacances! Vrille William Tell Yellow Sunset Yonina
Well, I tried to send you the list but it is too long and it didn't work.
To answer your 1st question : "I am amazed that you waited all these years to correct the referenced breeder of this 23 year old rose."
Well, we are not checking every page on HMF. I happen to fall on it yesterday. It was actually already corrected by one HMF user and the rose trial in Australia, but it was not taken into account by the users.
Entries on HFM that comes from Ratuken or other phony rose list website should be ban. But I don't make the policy of HMF ;)
I'll try to send you the answers to each on of this list but most of it are just bad entries with no good reference.
Cheers Matthias
Thank you Matthias. We count on experts like yourself to keep HMF accurate. We do not make up information posted on HelpMeFind nor do we have the resources to double check the validity of all preexisting references. Information is culled from many, many different sources. Often, long standing print references that have recorded errors in perpetuity. As a dynamic and mutable resource, HelpMeFind's whole purpose is to provide an avenue for experts from around the world to pool their knowledge in an effort to build the most accurate knowledge base possible. It is a tremendous undertaking with the support of many devoted and knowledgeable volunteers giving their time freely. There will likely always be errors on HelpMeFind but unlike other static references, with the support or people like yourself we can gradually correct them and make our knowledge base as accurate as humanly possible. Thanks again for your help
Hi Patricia,
I know how much this database is important to all (breeders, growers and rose lovers) and from all over the world (Chinese growers are using it extensively), and this is why I try to look up at some of ours or related to ours (Keisei, Radler, Sproul...etc). I think, one of these days (why not during Adelaide 2022 ;) ) We (breeders and HMF moderators) should have a small meeting to understand better each other on why some data are not disclosed and which data are for HMF really important ;)
I'll try to answer your long list today ;) I'm on it
Cheers Matthias
I feel confused as to the relation between this rose and Radler. Did he breed it for Meilland, or did Meilland breed it?
Meilland ;) it is a MEI variety. The rose trial in Adelaide made a mistake ;)
#2 of 3 posted
22 JUN 22 by
I doubt it was a mistake of the trial gardens. The trial gardens do not make up codes. It would have been based on the information supplied by the exhibitor. Regards.
Dear Johno,
Trial grounds make mistakes on codes and names, trust us, we are dealing with it each year since 100 years.
Meiramboys is a Meilland rose, if not, it would be called Radramboys ????
Initial post
17 MAY 21 by
See label photo. Is this the same rose as Radler's 1999 Edith Piaf? Probably as it wasn't introduced to France until 2007
That label photo was helpful. We had ‘Wiener Symphoniker’ as being semi-double to double, but your photos showed a double. I have merged the files. Thank you Johno.
Syn.'St.John', 'Meiramboys', 'Framboise' Bellissima rosa cespuglio Ibrido Tea, a portamento vigoroso/eretto. Fogliame lucido, verde scuro. Fiori grandi, gambo lungo, rosso rubino, orlato e ombreggiato rosso fragola, per lo piu' singoli. Fragranza intensa, di Rosa Antica, fruttata/muschiata. Rustica e rifiorente. Resistente a malattie. Fiori x esposizione e taglio. H.90cm L.60cm. (ROSACEAE) (William J.Radler, Meilland International, Francia, 2004)