'WEZeip' rose Reviews & Comments
Received a Paradise from Edmunds' in April - problem is it was supposed to be Rio Samba. Thank you Edmunds' for a job not well done. Have to agree with Slugger's comment below that the foliage on Paradise burns very badly in the heat and sun. Will get the shovel come fall and hopefully I can get a real Rio Samba next spring. I ordered 3 Rio Samba (to plant together to maximize color impact) from 3 different nurseries - Edmunds', Rogue Valley and Regan. Only received one Rio Samba - thank you Regan. I hope to have better luck next year.
Paradise seems to be showing up a lot this year. I bought two body bags, allegedly Spartan and Fragrant Cloud, which turned out to be Paradise. I think I am giving up on grocery store BBs.
I also had a Paradise that I had to give up on because of the fried foliage, it just could not take it here in New Mexico. I might attempt it again if I were to plant one that received morning sun ONLY, nothing after 1 pm. The bloom production might be affected, but I think it would go a long way to saving the foliage.
Initial post
13 APR 23 by
Question: I try to print the info on each rose I buy. You give such good info and it helps me do right by my roses. But when I try to print out the Description page, I can't get rid of the index column on the left so the right side is cut off. What can I do? Thanks ahead of time. I know you have almost all the answers and I really appreciate what you're doing.
#1 of 6 posted
13 APR 23 by
Lee H.
It probably has to do with the browser you are using. Here is what the print looks like with my IPad running Safari:
#2 of 6 posted
13 APR 23 by
Chrome doesn't print the index column either, but Microsoft Bing does.
#4 of 6 posted
14 APR 23 by
Chrome on my desktop prints the index column ... but it also wraps the text and images properly so nothing is cut off on the right side. Maybe the difference is mobile versus desktop?
#5 of 6 posted
16 APR 23 by
Chrome does for me
Are you logged in? Just a quick check and I can see the css file for print www.helpmefind.com/css/minX/hmf.prt.1.6a3e5baffc9605f5fffc79cb6389affe.minX.css doesn't render on the page when not logged in (checked in multiple browsers)
Another factor to look into is if it only renders for subscribed (supporting member) accounts.
#6 of 6 posted
17 APR 23 by
Being logged in or not doesn't seem to make any difference for me in Chrome. Either way, it seems to wrap the text and images correctly. Windows 10, Chrome version 111.
#3 of 6 posted
14 APR 23 by
The easiest way, maybe, is to take a screen shot on your computer and then crop the image to what you want to include.
I grew Paradise in Z6a in Missouri many years ago. It did quite well considering that I was very much a newbie and it was planted in part shade. I believe I mounded soil over the base many winters, but that was about all. It stayed on my list as a rose I would gladly grow again. So... I've just planted a new Paradise in my new Z9a garden in high desert Arizona. Will see how it does with the heat, as I'm seeing varying opinions here! To my nose the scent has always been pleasant but moderate, especially compared with its well-perfumed forbears Sterling Silver and Angel Face. A lovely rose and one I'm happy to be growing again.
I'm pretty sure that Paradise is more hardy than 7b. I've read zone 4 in books, but I think that's overestimating it a bit.