'Jaune ancien' rose Photos
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Rosa odorata var. flavescens, in: The beauties of flora (1839), by Gleadall, E.E.
Uploaded 24 OCT 23 |
This is the reference to 'Parks' Yellow' in Sweet’s Hortus Britannicus, or, A Catalogue of Plants, indigenous, or cultivated in gardens of Great Britain etc. lists on page 178, 1826. Its name is given as Rosa indica odorata v. flavescens, origin China, 1823
Uploaded 5 AUG 13 |
The Practical Gardener and Modern Horticulturist, vol. 2, between pp. 1076 and 1077. 1829
by Charles McIntosh
Drawing by T. J. Hart
This drawing agrees with Lindley's description of Parks' rose; Redoute's does not. Note the sepals.
Uploaded 3 OCT 15 |
"Choix des plus belles fleurs et des plus beaux fruits" (Selection of the most beautiful flowers and the most beautiful fruits) - A collection of 144 copper engravings by Pierre Joseph Redouté and printed in color by Panckoucke, Paris (1827-1833) - Plates partially enhanced with hand coloring. This one is Plate N° 122: "Rosa Indica - Rosier des Indes jaune". According to the period of years these engravings were made, this Plate most likely represents "Parks' Yellow Tea" imported from China by John Damper Parks and introduced to the R.H.S. in London in 1824, subsequently brought to France the following year by the rose breeder Julien-Alexandre Hardy and introduced in 1825 to the Royal Luxembourg Gardens in Paris, where its novel color made it a general favorite.
Uploaded 17 MAR 11 |
Uploaded 9 AUG 13 |
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