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'Hybride Frangée' rose References
Booklet  (2009)  Page(s) 38.  
A rose that does appear to be a sport of 'Cramoisi Superieur' based on the SSR data is the fringe-petaled 'Serratipetala' (C13) [ex Antique Rose Emporium], which is also a triploid, red double-flowered rose.
Booklet  (2009)  Page(s) 29.  
Triploid ...Serratipetala [Provenance: Antique Rose Emporium]
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 76.  
Chinas. Fimbriata à Pétales Frangés (Jacques, 1831) syn., 'Oeillet de St.-Arquey', 'Rose de St.-Arquey', 'Rose-Oeillet de St.-Arquey', 'Serratipetala'. [The author cites from various sources]..."As for the rest of the plant, the branches and foliage are typical of R. chinensis, whence it came. We presented the 'Rose de St.-Arquey' at a meeting of the French National Horticultural Society last August 28th [1913]...
Book  (2 Jan 1984)  Page(s) 159-160.  
'Serratipetala'. Syn. 'Rose Oeillet de Saint Arquey'. Obtained by Vilfroy in 1912. Height and width 1,20 m. The shrub has a more spreading form than other China roses. Young shoots and new foliage is violet coloured, but green with age, ...becoming finally dark grey-green. The small double blooms with their fringed petals remind of carnations [oeillet]. If it is hot they take on a dark crimson maroon colour, but when it is cooler, they approach pink, especially the centre petals, shorter and more fringed than the others. The bloom is massive and of long duration at the beginning of the summer, but later, one only sees a few blooms at the end of the season. The fragrance is weak and this rose is more of a curiosity than a source of decoration for the garden...
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 403.  
Serratipetala. (= 'Oeillet de Saint Arquey'). China. Outer petals crimson, inner petals light pink, stamens few, crimson, twisted, petals with carnation-like fringed edge, otherwise similar to R. chinensis semperflorens.
Book  (1966)  Page(s) 65.  
This rose [Louis Philippe] is not in our garden; but R.serratipetala is - a rose that appeared at a much later date in a French garden, and that bears a strong resemblance to Louis Philippe, except that the edges of its petals are deeply and attractively serrated. They are so alike, otherwise, that one could have occurred as a sport of the other.
Book  (1966)  Page(s) 80-81.  
An uncommon rose, R. chinensis serratipetala, was discovered in a French garden in 1912; and given the name of Rose Oeillet de Saint Arquay. It grows more strongly with us than in the gardens we saw overseas, though our plant was sent out to us from England. It is as tall as the best form of Old Blush China, but the flowers are fuller, crimson on the outer petals with the inner incurving ones of a lovely soft shade of pink. Each petal is veined with a deeper shade, serrated and fringed like those of a picotee. These unusual features make another of the rose curiosities: and the fringing adds great charm to the flowers, which come in upright sprays. When in Honolulu recently, we were amazed to see a long hedge of a vigorous Red China Rose in front of breadfruit trees, crotons, and golden alamandas. It appeared to be the same as Louis Philippe, a Red China that was being sold in New Zealand by 1860. The blooms on this rose were identical with those of our R. serratipetala, except for the pinked petal edges: they were full, globular, and paler in the centre. We sent close-up studies of this rose in Honolulu to and English expert; and he was also struck by the resemblance between the two.
There is no definite record of R. serratipetala having sported from Louis Philippe. However, re-reading an article on Ancestral China Roses, we did notice that Louis Philippe was listed with the words "carnation sport" following it. Unfortunately, the writer does not say that this rose is synonymous with R. serratipetala. Still, this is a very interesting point which we hope to hear more about later. The tropical hear and rain of Hawaii apparently suited this red rose, as there was no sign of mildew on these hedge plants, and they were very free-flowering. If we allow R. serratipetala to become too dry in the summer, it is a martyr to mildew: frequent heavy watering is essential to its well-being, particularly as our clay subsoil is inclined to crack during a period of prolonged droughts, even with the addition of plenty of compost.
Book  (1951)  Page(s) 57.  
Certain China Roses like mutabilis (Tipo Ideale or turkestanica) and Miss Lowe's variety (which is probably an original single crimson variant of the species) and serratipetala are also of high value in a light and airy way
Book  (1950)  Page(s) 21.  
But there is still one other China which I need to apologise for placing among the side-shows and that is serratipetala. Of its history I am profoundly ignorant, but it is one of the worthiest of its worthy household, a non-stop bloomer and the deep rose-carmine shaggy flowers have an outer wreath of crimson petals, the margins of which are the most deeply cut....
Book  (1948)  
...serratipetala, with fringed outer petals, rich purple fading to deep rose in the centre...
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