'Colorbreak' rose References
Book (2011) Page(s) 36. Hayden Foulds. Pick of the Bunch. Colourbreak Macultra. Gold Star of the South Pacific 1979. To round off the 1970s, we saw one of the first brown roses win the overall award at the trials. It was ahead of its time, not only as a unique colour in roses far superior to other roses in the same shade, but the blooms were old fashioned in style which the rose world has trended towards.
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p6 1981. Colorbreak - Macultra. Nicknamed Ultra
Book (2006) p50. Nola Simpson and John Ford. Breeding for Chocolate Brown Colours in Roses. In the 1980s the picture changed with the introduction of this more vigorous strain and a complete new line of breeding. Important cultivars include Colorbreak ('Brown Velvet') MACultra and..... These roses are all noteworthy for their vigour and health and they pass on their attributes to their offspring.
p51 ibid. ....and the brown colour holds up well in the heat, unlike many other brown roses e.g. 'Hot Chocolate and Colourbreak.
Website/Catalog (2004) Page(s) 39. Colour Break Floribunda. Russet. McGredy, S. 1983.
Book (2004) Page(s) 274. Includes photo(s). 'Colorbreak'....
Book (2002) Page(s) 28. Rated 7.0
Book (2000) Page(s) 133. Includes photo(s). ‘Brown Velvet’/MACcultra/’Colorbreak’ = Floribunda… reflets brun rouille qui veloutent ses fleurs rouge orangé. En climat frais, les tons bruns dominent; au franc soleil, le brun s’éclaire d’orangé… boutons ronds, en bouquets denses… fleurs doubles, de taille moyenne, aux pétales rangés en quartiers, s’ouvrant peu à peu pour laisser saillir les étamines dorées… feuillage sombre et luisant. McGredy, Nouvelle-Zélande, 1982.
Article (newsletter) (Jun 1999) Page(s) 3. Colorbreak, which we saw [on a trip to New Zealand] thriving everywhere, is called 'Brown Velvet' in the U.S.; when put in a vase by itself it makes a stunning bouquet. But when mixed with other roses, it looks quite ugly.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 133. Includes photo(s). Brown Velvet (MACcultra, 'Colorbreak') Floribunda. McGredy (New Zealand) 1982. Description... a blend of orange-red and brown. In cooler climates the brownish tones predominate; in sunnier climes the brown becomes overlaid with orange...
Book (1996) Page(s) 20. Brown Velvet (MACcultra, 'Colorbreak') Cluster-flowered (Floribunda) bush, double, quartered brownish orange flowers, light scent. 'Mary Sumner' x 'Kapai'. McGredy (New Zealand) 1983.