'Rosa X pteragonis 'Cantabrigiensis'' rose Photos
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Howick Hall Northumberland UK. 1 June 2014
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Zone 7a, Provo, Utah, May 9, 2024
I found this rose in my neighborhood. I am pretty sure I identified it correctly. 9 leaflets, 5 petals, light yellow, and the stems look like a cross between the parents thorniness.
Uploaded 11 MAY |
Howick Hall garden, Northumberland UK. 25 May 2014
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Zone 7a, Provo, Utah, May 9, 2024
I found this rose in my neighborhood. I am pretty sure I identified it correctly. 9 leaflets, 5 petals, light yellow, and the stems look like a cross between the parents thorniness.
Uploaded 11 MAY |
Howick Hall garden, Northumberland UK. 8 June 2014.
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Rose photo courtesy of Johno
Polesden Lacey, UK, 26/6/23.
Uploaded 24 SEP 23 |
Zone 7a, Provo, Utah, May 9, 2024
I found this rose in my neighborhood. I am pretty sure I identified it correctly. 9 leaflets, 5 petals, light yellow, and the stems look like a cross between the parents thorniness.
Uploaded 11 MAY |
June 22, 2013 at Sangerhausen
Uploaded 1 DEC 22 |
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