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Syracuse Rose Society

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Rose Society  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
New York
United States
(315) 454-9024  [Information]
Organized in 1911, the 200-member Syracuse Rose Society (SRS) is the oldest rose society in continuous existence in the United States. Its purposes are: (a) public education on cultivation, propagation, and enjoyment of roses; (b) maintenance of the Mills Rose Garden in Thornden Park as a public demonstration site; (c) sponsorship of American Rose Society Consulting Rosarians to offer guidance to rose growers; (d) preparation and distribution of printed educational information on roses; and (e) fostering communication and research by affiliation with District, National, and International rose societies.

The organization serves the entire Central New York area, but most members and activities are located in Onondaga County. The Society planted the Mills Garden in 1924. SRSs principal volunteer contributions are to the garden, which serves all of Syracuse, Central New York, and visitors from the U.S. and abroad. It provides a unique place of refuge and inspiration to the adjoining neighborhood and serves as a resource for Syracuse University faculty and students in art, photography, horticulture, and landscape design.

Fulfilling its mission of public education, club members (a) provide rose-growing clinics at local nurseries and at the Mills Garden during the season, (b) provide cultural information sheets for nurseries to give to customers, (c) mail an informative monthly newsletter to members, and (d) staff information booths at both the Syracuse Flower and Garden Show and the NYS State Fair.
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