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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Hazlewood Bros. Pty. Ltd
(1937)  Page(s) 35.  
New Roses 1937.  A. Denis.   (HT.  J. Bohm 1935) Large, full, sweetly scented blooms of deep lemon yellow heavily shaded with carmine. Vigorous, compact and bushy growth, with large, shining plentiful foliage. A very healthy variety. 4/- each.
The general impression is salmon-pink, the yellow being visible only in the bud stage. 50 petals.
(1941)  Page(s) 8.  
'A. G. Furness' (H.T.) (Alister Clark, 1941). 3- A rich dark red seedling from 'Covent Garden' inheriting the vigorous healthy growth of the parent. Thoroughly tested and much admired at Glenara. 3/6 each.
(1925)  Page(s) 26.  
'Fred. J. Harrison' form, size and substance resembling the H.P. A. K. Williams.
(1911)  Page(s) 24.  
Hybrid Perpetual Roses A. K. Williams. Carmine red, large and imbricated; lovely form.
(1953)  Page(s) 8.  
Novelty Roses 1952. A. W. Jessep  (HT. Alister Clark 1952) Richly fragrant double cerise pink blooms. Good foliage. Excellent bedding variety. 8/6 each.
(1949)  Page(s) 4.  
Novelty Roses 1949.  A. J. Taylor (HT. Wheatcroft 1947) A large exhibition and garden variety with a two-toned effect occasioned by the outer side of the petal being a  lighter colour to that of the deep pink interior. Blooms carry 45 petals, but are rather globular. 7/6 each. 
(1928)  Page(s) 27.  
New Roses 1928. Abol (HT. F. Evans 1926) Pure white, but in the bud stage and before the flower is fully opened the centre petals are sometimes edged with pale pink. Fine habit, very free flowering and hardy, with fine stems and good petals.
30 petals and rich sweet scent. This variety is somewhat like 'Marcia Stanhope'
(1926)  Page(s) 23.  
New Roses for 1926. Achievement (H. Wich. English and Son) Deep rose pink, shading to coral pink. This is a sport of 'Dorcas', having identical flowers, but variegated foliage. 4/- each.
Not flowered yet.
(1929)  Page(s) 28.  
New Roses 1929.  Adele Crofton (HT.  A. Dickson 1928) Bud and young flower cadmium yellow richly overlaid with scarlet orange, which becomes more pronounced towards the edge of the petals. The colour fades to a rich apricot, still retaining a shading of vermilion. The growth is hardy, strong and of free branching erect habit without any dying back. 5/- each.
In this climate the colour is deep saffron yellow flushed reddish old rose fading to pale sulphur yellow. 20 petals. A pretty decorative. Recommended.
(1949)  Page(s) 4.  
Novelty Roses 1949. Admiral (HT. A. Dickson 1944.) This was later sent out in America under the name of 'WAVES', to honour an organisation similar to our WRANS. An excellent variety with coral pink buds opening to salmon pink double fragrant globular blooms. It is a very strong grower, with good foliage. 60 petals. Recommended. 3/6 each.
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