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Dawson's Garden World
(21 Feb 2015)

A Little Ray of Sunshine An exquisite hybrid tea rose developed for the Australian Breastfeeding Association. An exquisite hybrid tea rose, each bright yellow bloom is airy petal filled masterpiece, delightful citrus and rose scent. 130-150cm.
(1945)  Page(s) 19.  
'Alice Harding'. a good yellow rose, long stems, good growth.
[Undated Dawson's center liftout advertisement in a West Australian newspaper, circa 1976]

'Ariosa' (HT) NEW. a free flowering dazzling orange scarlet. Nicely shaped blooms are borne singly on long stems. Good vigorous growth.
(1945)  Page(s) 19.  
'Autumn'. a medium-sized flower of burnt orange streaked with red. The colour is startling and very variable while the growth is upright. Strong fruit perfume.
(1945)  Page(s) 23.  
'Baby Chateau'. Semi-double, slightly fragrant blooms of deep velvety crimson. The colour is particularly brilliant but liable to burn in hot weather.
(1945)  Page(s) 19.  
'Barcelona'. Carmine crimson with velvety black shadings. The rather flat blooms carry 40 to 50 large petals, and the colour keeps quite well under average conditions. The growth is good, with clean foliage.
(1945)  Page(s) 19.  
'Belle Siebrecht'. Deep rosy pink; flowers large and beautifully formed. One of the best roses for either show or garden.
(1945)  Page(s) 19.  
'Better Times'. a most beautiful glistening cerise red sport of 'Columbia'. The blooms are of perfect form and of high exhibition garden standard while the growth, fragrance and foliage are excellent. The stems carry very few thorns which is a definite advantage when arranging cut flowers.
(1945)  Page(s) 19.  
'Beverley Nicholas. Flowlers large and full, high pointed centre and of perfect shape, carried on stout, erect stems. The colour inside of petals a soft cream, reverse side suffused with bright rosy salmon. Tea scented.
(1945)  Page(s) 24.  
'Cl. Blackboy' Deep velvety crimson, shaded blackish maroon, and overlaying fiery scarlet. The richly fragrant blooms are large, semi-double, and are produced on long, stiff stems. In addition to extraordinary vigour, it has mildew-proof foliage and should be planted in a warm position.
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