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M. Guilfoyle & Son, Exotic Nursery
Discussion id : 122-613
most recent 14 JUL 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 JUL 20 by Patricia Routley
Below are roses that have not been added to Michael Guilfoyle’s Exotic Nursery, Sydney 1851 and 1866 catalogue listings on HelpMeFind, either as references or introductions. Instead I have listed them in the nursery’s catalogue’s page. I have found it difficult to determine just which roses they were.

Exotic 1851
p10. No.47. Mutabilis changeable red, a capital border rose. [see also Exotic’s 1866 listing. possibly Mutabilis (syn. Caméléon) 1824]
p10. No.49. Pallida. Pale pink. [?Old Blush]
p11. No.55. Rachael
p11. No.75. Violet Scented. Highly perfumed, purple crimson [see also Exotic’s 1866 listing]
p11. No.76. Virgin's Blush. Very delicate blush [see also Exotic’s 1866 listing]

Exotic 1866
p20. No.31. Clementine rosy pink. [?Rubiginosa 1815 or gallica 1818]
p21. No.45. Double Yellow Noisette lemon color, a very double variety, Perpetual (Exotic also listed Fortunes Double yellow and Lamarque “light lemon” on the same page)
p21. No.48. Duc d’Plantier globular orange salmon, a superb rose, Perpetual [?Delice de Plantier, salmon pink tea 1848)
p21. No.75. Indica Boquetoria a fine little pink rose. Perpetual. (?Possibly ‘Bouquet de Flore’ 1833 bourbon)
p22. No.123. Mutabilis crimson, often with a streak of white. Perpetual. [see also Exotic’s 1851 listing. possibly Mutabilis (syn. Caméléon) 1824]
p22. No.124 Napoleon - very large, cupped, shaded blush pink, an excellent rose.
p22. No.127 Odorata lutea a beautiful light yellow, very distinct and pretty. Perpetual. [?Smith’s Yellow China]
p22. No.141 Provens. Rose globular and beautiful. [?Provins Rose]
p22. No.143. Purpurea Bella a purplish crimson, small cupped rose, Perpetual. [?Indica Purpurea 1808 which was introduced in Australia by Darling Nursery in 1851]
p22. No.145 Queen Victoria a striped rose, frequently very beautiful.
p22. No.149 Rosamond deep rosy pink. ?Rosamonde gallica 1836 or Gloire des Rosomanes 1825 which was introduced in Australia in 1862 by F. C. Davis]
p22 No.154 Semperflorens straw colour, large and full. Perpetual. [?Smith’s Yellow China]
p23 No.175. Viola odorata a pretty little fancy rose, of a rich pink and excellent perfume. Perpetual. [see also Exotic’s 1851 listing]
p23. No.176 Virgin’s Blush - a very delicate pink [see also Exotic’s 1851 listing]
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