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Glorious Old Roses
(2000)  Page(s) 229.  Includes photo(s).
Albatross Raised by Griffiths. Parentage R. moschata x R. multiflora. Introduced 1988.  Type Rambler. Size 5m.   From the parents of this rose one would expect a prolific flowerer, and this is the way this rose performs.  It is a rampant grower with long arching branches covered with medium-sized, sweetly scented, white, single roses in clusters.  It is summer flowering only, and is reminiscent of 'Kiftsgate' at its best, but has prominent golden stamens in the centre.
(2000)  Page(s) 229.  Includes photo(s).
Alice Maude Raised by Griffiths.  Parentage 'Roseraie de l'Hay' x seedling.  Introduced 1985.  Type Rugosa Hybrid.  Size 1.5m.  From time to time a rose grower has a variety cross his line of sight and because he has been responsible for the creation he may wish to call it after his mother.  This is what happened in this case.  The flower of this beautiful variety is the same colour as one of its parents 'Roseraie de l'Hay' but it has a lovely anemone centre with many petals and stamens showing.  It is nicely fragrant. 
(2000)  Page(s) 229.  Includes photo(s).
Angela Raised by Griffiths.  Parentage Seedling x Graham Thomas.  Introduced 1988.  Type shrub. Size 2m.   An exceedingly pretty rose of typical English rose character, which bears a stromg resemblance to 'Graham Thomas'.  It has medium to large blooms which are cupped at first, become quartered and open out to reflexed flowers of apricot pink and lemon with a strong fragrance.  This rose was named after a young lady who lost her life in a car accident. 
(2000)  Page(s) 38.  Includes photo(s).
‘Arethusa’. Raised by Paul. Parentage unknown. Introduced 1903. China hybrid. Size 1m x 1m. As with the previous China hybrid mentioned, this beautiful rose grows to a rounded shrub of about 1m tall and wide. Its dark green glossy foliage is a lovely background for the deep apricot buds opening to lighter apricot loosely double blooms, which have a pleasant fragrance,. Ideal for smaller gardens.
(2000)  Page(s) 44.  Includes photo(s).
‘Baby Faurax’. Raised by Lille. Parentage unknown. Introduced 1924. Polyantha. Size 60 x 60cm. ‘Baby Faurax’ is a lovely colour break in small-growing old roses, and provides excellent colour contrast. The small, quite double flowers are in clusters, lavender-purple in colour, pinking a little with age. This little beauty never fails to excite comment from those who see it for the first time. In truth, many of the old dwarf Polyanthas more than hold their own with the more modern Miniature and Patio roses.
(2000)  Page(s) 47.  Includes photo(s).
Belle Amour Raiser and parentage unknown. Introduced 1940. Type Alba. Size 1.5m x 1.5m. Although there is considerable doubt about the origin of this rose, it is no less a beautiful variety. Most people know that many roses were grown from seed in the fields of France in the early part of the nineteenth century, and this may be one of them. It has large blooms up to 10cm or more across, which are semi-double and cupped, and of an attractive pink with shades of salmon at times. They have a delicious fragrance and look very well among the grey-green foliage.
(2000)  Page(s) 55.  
'Botzaris'. Raiser and parentage: unknown. Introduced 1856. Type Damask. Size 1m x 1m. When we read about the classical old roses, mention is often made of such roses as 'Fantin-Latour', 'Maiden's Blush', 'Madame Hardy', and 'Charles de Mills', 'Botzaris' deserves to be ranked among these old beauties for several reasons. The flower is flat across the top, is quartered, and comes from a fat pinkish bud, developing into a large 10-12cm quite double creamy-white bloom sometimes showing a green eye. It has a lovely scent and flowers all over a compact plant, with mid-green foliage, in the summer only. It is quite hardy and really is one of the most beautiful old roses. I saw it first in the magnificent garden of the late Valdemar Petersen of Love, Denmark.
(2000)  Page(s) 197.  Includes photo(s).
Sombreuil  Raised by Robert. Parentage 'Gigantesque' seedling.  Introduced 1850. Type Climbing Tea Rose. Size At least 4m.  Often when customers ask for an old climbing rose it takes a little time to establish exactly what they are looking for, and after this has been done, more often than not this is the rose chosen – especially if it happens to be in flower at the time. It has a very good Tea scent and the open flower is large (10–12 cm) and literally packed with petals that appear to be quilled at first and then become muddled.  It opens very flat and is creamy-white. There always seems to be a flower on the plant, which has long branches, good foliage and large thorns. It is an excellent variety for every reason.
(2000)  Page(s) 229.  Includes photo(s).
Darling Dixie  Raised by Griffiths. Parentage 'Paul's Himalayan Musk' x seedling. Introduced 1988. Type: Rambler. Size 5m. If you have the need for a vigorous, tough, quick-growing rambler to cover up an old tree, tank stand, farm shed, fence or trellis, then this rose can do all these things, at the same time producing delightful, small (3cm) flowers in clusters, which are the prettiest shade of pale lilac-mauve and are sweetly fragrant. This lovely variety will do the job for you.
(2000)  Page(s) 140.  Includes photo(s).
'Mme. Alice Garnier'. Raised by Fauque. Parentage: R. wichuraiana x 'Mme. Charles' introduced 1910. Ramber. 5m. 'Mme. Alice Garnier' is very sweetly scented with small, very double, quilled blooms of medium to soft pink, sometimes with apricot in the middle. The foliage is dark, glossy, abundant and healthy, with bronze young shoots. In some ways this rose could be likened to a fatter 'Cecile Brunner' but at other times, especially when open, it does not resemble it at all. This important acquisition to the Rambler group will thrive in most posiitons and can be used for extensive groundcover work, for covering walls, banks, fences, pillars and tank-stands, and also makes an excellent weeping standard.
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