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Fairfax Roses catalogues
(1909)  Page(s) 8.  
Color a bright clear pink, a lovely shade; flowers very large, perfectly double.  The buds are large and solid, with long, stiff stems and handsome glossy foliage.  It has all the good qualities of a first-class winter-blooming Rose; a strong, healthy growth, free from disease; it is easily grown and produces very freely; buds of the largest size, of a color that can be used to advantage on all occasions.  It is also an excellent bedding variety for outside flowering in summer.
(1909)  Page(s) 8.  
General List of Ever-Blooming Roses
Comtesse Riza du Parc
Coppery-rose, tinged and shaded with soft blush.  This beautiful Rose has many admirers.
(1909)  Page(s) 8.  
General List of Ever-Blooming Roses
The Charming Magnolia Tea Rose
We doubt if there is scarcely any one who does not know of the beauty of this famous old favorite.  There is no other variety like it, and none more beautiful or desirable.  If there is one variety more than another that we are partial to it is Devoniensis.  It is fine anywhere.  Planted outdoors it gives an abundance of its beautiful flowers all through the season.  The color is a lovely creamy-white with rosy centers, large, very full, and double, and deliciously scented.  This is the one Rose that should be seen in every garden.
(1925)  Page(s) 3.  
Dixie, a New Rose of Fairfax. This Rose originated at our place here in Oakton, and is offered now for the first time ; it is a Radiance Rose of a bright, salmon color, but more double than Radiance, petals incurved, making a cup-shaped bloom, size and habit of plant exactly the same as Radiance. This Rose is much the same color as the Rose Mrs. Chas. Bell, but is more double and cup-shaped. Price, regular 2-year size, own root, $1.50 each.
(1909)  Page(s) 2.  Includes photo(s).
New Roses of Special Merit
Golden Cochet (or Helen Good). Tea.
This new Rose is the only true Cochet Rose known except the old well known Pink and White Cochet, and after two years' trial in the garden we pronounce it as good if not better than any Rose for the garden ever sent out. The color is a delicate yellow, suffused with pink, each petal edged deeper, very chaste and beautiful. The color, with its immense size and exquisite form, makes it without question the greatest Tea Rose ever introduced. It much resembles the new Rose Wm. R. Smith, but we believe it to be a far better Rose. We think the name, Helen Good, to be unfortunate, as it sounds so much like Helen Gould, an looks so much like it when written as to cause confusion and likely many mistakes. We have therefore adopted the name Golden Cochet, which has been suggested by its slight color resemblance to Golden Gate. Price 25 cents; three-inch, 35 cents; two-year, 50 cents.

NB: The accompanying illustration is a generic and stylized etching seen in other catalogs to illustrate various sorts.
(1909)  Page(s) 8.  
General List of Ever-Blooming Roses
Golden Gate
A magnificent Rose, with large, full, finely formed flowers; buds long and beautiful.  Color rich creamy-white, exquisitely tinged with golden-yellow and clear rose, making a flower of indescribable beauty.  Blooms freely.
(1925)  Page(s) 3.  
Climbing Hoosier Beauty. This is another Fairfax Rose that we originated here at Oakton. A vigorous climbing form of Hoosier Beauty. Price, 2-year, strong plants, $1.50 each.
(1909)  Page(s) 8.  
General List of Ever-Blooming Roses
This exquisite new Rose resembles the beautiful Golden Gate in form and loveliness, but is pure ivory-white.  It is an exceedingly free bloomer, sure to be covered with lovely buds and flowers the whole growing season; the buds are wonderfully beautiful and borne in great profusion, and the flowers are large, full and sweet.  It is a healthy, vigorous grower and very handsome and desirable in every way; strong plants
(1909)  Page(s) 8.  
General List of Ever-Blooming Roses
La Tosca
Beautiful silvery-pink, with deeper center; a very vigorous grower, with large, double flowers, and very free-flowering.
(1926)  Page(s) 3.  
Lord Fairfax. This rose which is offered now for the first time is one of our own seedlings — a cross of Ophelia and Hoosier Beauty. It is a brilliant red in cool weather ; in hot weather a bright pink — never a dull color. It has remarkably long stiff stems, is a great bloomer and a very strong grower. Price, 2-year plants, $2.00 each
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