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Roses For the Television Age
(Dec 1951)  Page(s) 21.  
'Carillon' (1935) or 'World's Fair' (1938) may be credited with establishing the fashion for floribundas.
(Dec 1951)  Page(s) 21.  
The introduction of Charlotte Armstrong (1940), a surprising child of Soeur Thérèse and Crimson Glory, set an entirely new standard of quality and fashion in hybrid teas. A blended or shaded spectrum to cerise red with long, large buds and deep full petaled fragrant blooms, this variety was especially notable for the size, substance and profusion of its bloom over a long season.
(Dec 1951)  Page(s) 20.  
1916-1919 was the peak in production and use of small-flowered, low to medium height, cluster-blooming varieties like Etoile Luisante, Eugéne Jacquet and Edith Cavell, classed as polyanthas.
(Dec 1951)  Page(s) 20.  
1916-1919 was the peak in production and use of small-flowered, low to medium height, cluster-blooming varieties like Etoile Luisante, Eugéne Jacquet and Edith Cavell, classed as polyanthas.
(Dec 1951)  Page(s) 22.  
Grey Pearl, a controversial item in itself and of no distinguished popularity, has mothered a new and distinctly fashionable group of hybrids... Greying a color or shading, brings new color qualities not available with pure pigments. That is what 'Grey Pearl' contributes, as illustrated in the smoky pink-lavender of 'Lavender Pinocchio'.
(Dec 1951)  Page(s) 22.  
'Grey Pearl', a controversial item in itself and of no distinguished popularity, has mothered a new and distinctly fashionable group of hybrids... Greying a color or shading, brings new color qualities not available with pure pigments. That is what 'Grey Pearl' contributes, as illustrated in the smoky pink-lavender of Lavender Pinocchio.
(Dec 1951)  Page(s) 20.  
1916-1919 was the peak in production and use of small-flowered, low to medium height, cluster-blooming varieties like Etoile Luisante, Eugéne Jacquet and Edith Cavell, classed as polyanthas.
(Dec 1951)  Page(s) 21.  
New Dawn (1930) established the possibility of continuous flowering climbers or pillar roses with heavier canes and blooms as large as the hybrid teas.
(Dec 1951)  Page(s) 20.  
Radiance did more thany any other [rose] ever introduced to establish hybrid teas as popular garden roses.
(Dec 1951)  Page(s) 22.  
Saturnia flame red petals washed with the gold and apricot of a summer sunset in its native Italy.
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