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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Modern Garden Roses
(1988)  Page(s) 138.  
The Association of German Nurserymen organizes a competition to select roses likely to withstand different climatic conditions within the country. Each chosen rose is labelled 'Anerkannte Deutcher Rose' (ADR) and can be expected to enjoy a long commercial run... 'Aachener Dom' is one of the roses chosen.
(1988)  Page(s) 67.  Includes photo(s).
(COCbrose) Description. Named for the charitable society that runs homes for the elderly.
(1988)  Page(s) 63.  Includes photo(s).
Description. Before this obviously promising rose had been named, nurserymen called it 'Alec's red one', so 'Alec's Red' it stayed. Bred from 'Fragrant Cloud' and 'Dame de Coeur', 'Alec's Red' has glorious fragrance from the one and a strong constitution from the other. These qualities helped to secure it an unprecedented 'double' -- the prize for Most Fragrant Rose in 1969 and the President's International Trophy as Best New Rose in 1970.
(1988)  Page(s) 67.  Includes photo(s).
('Alexandra') Description. Jack Harkness named this rose for Field Marshall Earl Alexander of Tunis, under whom he served in World War II… For cutting, 'Alexander' is excellent, but it needs the right treatment. Cut the buds young, before the outer petals separate: if left on the plant too long, they will fly open and lose colour.
(1988)  Page(s) 19.  
Alexander was bred from Super Star. It grows half as tall again, without the mildew; the brightest in this colour, it makes 'Super Star' look pink...
(1988)  Page(s) 51.  
Description. Some risk of die-back after severe frost spells, so give it a site away from frost-bearing winter winds.
(1988)  Page(s) 54.  Includes photo(s).
(1988)  Page(s) 52.  Includes photo(s).
(HARroony) Description. Looking a winner from the day the first flower opened, this was at first going to be named 'Rosemary Harkness'; 'Amber Queen' was eventually preferred because of the rose's international appeal… voted Rose of the Year for 1984.
(1988)  Page(s) 36.  Includes photo(s).
Harkness refers to it as 'Snowball' (MACangel; 'Angelita'). Description.
(1988)  Page(s) 33.  
('Anisley Dickson'; 'Müncher Kindl'; 'Dicky'; Dickimono) Pat Dickson named this rose for his wife. Description. Won top award in the 1984 British Trials.
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