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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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'JACum' rose Member Journal Entires
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14 JUL 21
Rose tree variety, purchased and planted end of May/very early June 2021. First flush was over so second (?) blooms just opening to the prettiest magenta then darken to a deeper plum. Seems to have excellent heat tolerance in hot south-facing bed/dry climate (no shrivel, burning or fade in 100 degree temps) though it does get protection from harshest afternoon sun.
24 APR 16
Has survived the first winter. Purchased June 2015 in a large pot with blooms from a big-name company at a Long Island nursery. Was on a root stock. About 90% die-back, to about the snow line, which is normal for my 5b and many shoots are now coming from above the rootstock. Was planted deeply, the scion just touching ground level..
10 FEB 16
Just got this today I will place it in my sunroom to aid it in a quick start.
21 MAY 14
Mothers Day present from Dad and Terry
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