'BRIace' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
26 DEC 06 by
Ace of Diamonds has been a blooming fool for us. We planted it in 2000 and it got established quickly. AoD doesn't get very tall for us, about 18 inches tall. It gets 3+ feet wide. We don't grow roses in pots but I always wonder about suggesting AoD for folks that ask about minis that would do well in a hanging pot. AoD sprawls all over the area where it is planted seems like it would be a good candidate for a cascading rose. AoD has 60 - 100 blooms per flush. Blooms open pretty fast and fade in strong sun. Fragrance is almost strong. Blackspot is not a problem here. I have never noticed any powdery mildew on AoD. I'm a fragrant red nut and don't understand why this rascal isn't one of my favorites. AoD performs well enough to be on the top 5 list. Dave South central Montana - zone 4/5