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'Pillow Fight ™' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 166-511
most recent 25 MAR HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 MAR
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *
Discussion id : 114-253
most recent 28 NOV 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 NOV 18 by SoCal Coastal Rosarian
Thrips, both western flower and chili, are the bane of many Southern California rosarians. In some gardens western flower thrips have become almost lmpossible to control due to resistance to multiple insecticides. Gratifyingly Pillow Fight, a pure white rose, is tolerant of both kinds of thrips.
Discussion id : 89-415
most recent 23 NOV 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 NOV 15 by SoCal Coastal Rosarian
Truly outstanding rose with complex ancestry. Well behaved bush with tremendous bloom production. Seems to be immune to mildew. Blooms are disposed in lovely clusters. The rose should be reclassified as a floribunda. I have discussed the matter with the hybridizer, Tom Carruth. This would please the exhibitors!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 23 NOV 15 by Nastarana
That looks like a nice one. Now if only Weeks would stop giving roses names from romance nove
Discussion id : 45-506
most recent 4 JUN 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 JUN 10 by k haas
JUNE 2010 ~PILLOW FIGHT~ is sold at Regan's Nursery in Fremont,CA where they had lots of pots of this rose! It was a grand sight with so many little 'fighers' set out along their front entrance to the nursery! I have this rose, and it is a true 'workhorse' on my balcony. Lights up the night, too, but minus the messy 'feathers' !
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