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'P/27/88' rose Member Journal Entires
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From Pam at Angel Gardens, old stock. Feb 2023
12 AUG 21
A top 3 favorite. Planted late last fall (was worried that I was planting too late in season) but is now as tall as me! Smells so divine and the color can't be beat for a yellow rose. This is a winner.
21 JUL 20
Planted July 2020 - FT
28 AUG 16
Purchased from Long Ago Roses Aug 2016

5/2/2019- planted today near Maggie

4/17/2020- blooming a lot this spring. Growth is very sprawling- I see why it's usually used as a climber. I planted it as a bush, so hopefully it doesn't end up looking ridiculous. I like the flowers, though they do shatter quickly. Size is 3.5w x 2h.

4/9/2024- Still growing my plant as a bush, though as you can imagine it looks quite floppy by the end of the season. Size is about 6h x 3.5w after pruning in the spring.
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