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'Alexandre Pouchkine®' rose Member Journal Entires
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Bought 2014 Rose Sale
1 FEB 13
*** Growing near Houston, TX: sub tropical zone 9a. Mild winters, hot, extremely humid summers that last half the year. ***

Purchased from Regan Feb 2013. Very slow to grow and bloom. First bud should open tomorrow or next day and I'm anxious to see (err... smell) it.

7/2013- potted due to impending move.

5/24/2014 - Planted in new garden. Spring "flush" was two flowers. I am so not impressed.

10/25/14- Made another flower and has a bud. This one has been VERY slow to get blooming. It is six feet tall right now.

4/9/2015- Made another flower, with one bud ripening. That is this year's spring flush. Sigh. It smelled amazing though.

9/4/2015- Over the summer, FM gave nearly a dozen blooms. I am VERY encouraged!

4/18/2021- Still growing and blooming. Nice bushy, vase shaped habit.
8 JUN 10
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