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'Comtesse du Cayla' rose Member Journal Entires
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28 OCT 11
*** Growing near Houston, TX: sub tropical zone 9a. Mild winters, hot, extremely humid summers that last half the year. ***

Purchased as a one gallon own root plant from Rose Petals Nursery, Fall 2011.

7/2014- planted in new garden with afternoon sun
4/2015- Bushy and pretty. I'm pleased with this one.
4/2016- happy plant. 3.5h x 3w
2/28/2017- Plant is about the same size, but happy. I really love this rose! Pretty foliage.
4/19/2019- size is about 6 x 6. Flowers only last about a day, but there are a lot of them.
4/17/2020- Pruned a little off the top and sides this year to keep it in bounds (ha). I really love this rose. Current size is about 8w x 6h.

Feb 2021- Polar Vortex. No problems despite 5 days below zero, temps to 14 degrees. Some snow and ice, no other protection.

Christmas 2022- Another Polar Vortex. Died back to the ground. High winds, 15 degree low, 2 and a half days below freezing. No snow, no ice, no protection (no one protects roses in Houston). Size before freeze was 10 x 10 and CdC was in full glorious bloom. Bermuda Anna Olivier (Etoile de Lyon?), and General Schablikine nearby died to the ground also.

1/10/2024- Plant made a weak attempt to come back with a few small twigs growing from the base, but those died and the stump has remained inactive for a year now. I believe it has been winter killed.
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