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'Countess Labarthe' rose Member Journal Entires
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20 FEB
Thinly clothed, very large and prickly, but a fantastic bloomer! Good scent and pretty, uniform, flowers on nodding stems (for a tea rose). Grows like a weed and blooms all year here in zone 9b, Jacksonville, FL. Although, it hates, hates, hates being cut. Place in a spot that has plenty of room.
12 MAY 22
Bought spring 2022 from Antique Rose Emporium
3 JAN 16
Planted out today,1/3/16. Left corner of long backyard bed. 5 days of rain coming to give it a good start.
18 OCT 15
Received from Chamblees 10/15/15. 1 gallon sized pot. Very healthy, abundant foliage. One very pretty bloom opened on day 2. Small but perfect.
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