'Souvenir de Kean' rose Photos
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Mottisfont Abbey UK, 14Jun2024
Uploaded 15 FEB |
From "Les Amis des Roses", 4. trimester 1976, p. 18
Courtesy of the Archives of Roseraie du Val de Marne
Uploaded 15 DEC 21 |
Newby Hall garden, Yorkshire, UK 19 June 2024
Uploaded 22 JUN |
361 "Mylor Carver Cottage Mauve Rambler" own roots at Northcliffe Nov 30, 2921. Provenance: South Australia in 2005->. Ros-O-ENE-> Lustgarten No. 04a. Bush.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 30 NOV 21 |
In my garden. Arcello, North Italy, May 2023
Uploaded 25 FEB 24 |
361 "Mylor Carver Cottage Mauve Rambler" own roots at Northcliffe Nov 30, 2921. Provenance: South Australia in 2005->. Ros-O-ENE-> Lustgarten No. 04a. Bush
Uploaded 30 NOV 21 |
361 "Mylor Carver Cottage Mauve Rambler" own roots at Northcliffe Oct 30, 2023. Provenance: South Australia in 2005->. Ros-O-ENE. Climbed 7 feet up through ‘Milkmaid’.
Uploaded 2 NOV 23 |
361 "Mylor Carver Cottage Mauve Rambler" own roots at Northcliffe Nov 30, 2921. Provenance: South Australia in 2005->. Ros-O-ENE-> Lustgarten No. 04a. Blooms
Uploaded 30 NOV 21 |
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