'Souvenir de Kean' rose References
Magazine (2021) Page(s) 4. Vol 43, No. 3. Includes photo(s). Mylor Mauve”, collected in the Adelaide Hills. Spring-only, tall, suckering. May be Hippolyte (Parmentier, Gallica, before 1842) but that one is only mildly scented
(2013) Page(s) 36. Vol 35 No. 3.. Includes photo(s). From: Heritage Roses in Australia journal.
Jen Light. Flower Lovers Departed. Margaret Furness has noted that the found..... and “Mylor Mauve” may be what Vintage Gardens nursery calls ‘Duc d’Angouleme’ (Hybrid China).
Website/Catalog (2008) Page(s) 13. Hippolyte (Gallica) date unknown. A vigorous, almost thornless shrub with small neat blooms of soft violet. Spring flowering.
Book (2006) Page(s) 31. Hippolyte. Hybrid China. (Gallica). No rebloom. Good fragrance. Habit [as per drawing] 2. Unknown, pre-1842. [Provenance Pickering, HRG]. An old variety that adorns many, many graves and old gardens in America. Smooth stems, handsome Centifolia-like foliage, flowers deep bright purple-black shaded lavender. A royal color appropriate to the Queen of the Amazons.
Book (Aug 2002) Page(s) 47. Hippolyte Hybrid Gallica not rated
Book (2001) Page(s) 50. Hippolyte Hybrid Gallica, mauve. Not rated.
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 47. Hippolyte Gallica. Breeder unknown, pre-1842. The author cites information from different sources... Bright carmine nuanced violet...
Book (Mar 1999) Page(s) 67. Includes photo(s). 'Hippolyte'. (Syn) ‘Souvenir de Kean’. Early 1800’s. Clusters of fragrant double flowers of deep wine red, dusted with deeper purplish shading. Color is more intense when ‘Hippolyte’ is grown in a semi-shaded location. At first the blooms are globular then petals reflex around the button eyes. Arching, somewhat procumbent growth (to 5 feet) and nearly thornless canes. Origin of this attractive rose is lost in the mists of history. Kean was a well-known English actor; from classical mythology, Hippolyte was an Amazon queen.
Book (Nov 1998) Page(s) 20, 22. Includes photo(s). Page 20: Photo Page 22: Hippolyte Gallica. Description.
Book (Jul 1998) Page(s) 223-224. Includes photo(s). Hippolyte Before 1842. Habit: upright shrub; can attain 2 m height and 2.50 m width; without prickles or bristles. Foliage: appearance of Gallica; light green; elliptical leaflets. Bloom: abundant flowering; most often in pairs, sometimes solitary or in 3s; medium, double, quartered; small eye in the centre. Colour: velvety deep violet; the white base of the petals visible at the centre. Fragrance: very weak. 'Hippolyte' is not a pure Gallica; probably some China figures in its ascendance. The breeder or year bred is unknown. The first catalogue in which we have found this variety mentioned is that of Van Houtte at Ghent in 1842. ...Some anglo-saxon authors state 'Souvenir de Kean' as synonym of 'Hippolyte', but we have not been able to establish the origin of this synonymity.