'Bonaparte' rose References
Book (2006) Page(s) 16. Pourpre Ardoisée (Busard Triomphante) Gallica. No rebloom. Outstanding fragrance. Low, suckering and dense. ..We are indebted to Barbara Worl who imported this some years ago from the Roseraie de l'Haÿ in paris. The flowers are dusky mauve to purple-pink, full, formal, and fragrant. We are uncertain whether this is identical with the synonym found in Dickerson's "The Old Rose Adventurer", descriptions of which vary significantly from what we have observed.
Book (Jul 1998) Page(s) 104. Includes photo(s). Pourpre Ardoisé Before 1813. Synonyms: Bleu (Vibert). Couleur bronze (Descemet). L'ardoisé (various amateur growers). Panaché admirable (several amateur growers). Rosa bipinnata (according to Desportes, 1828). Habit: upright shrub; prickles and bristles. Foliage: dark green; elliptical leaflets, sometimes only 3 per leaf. Bloom. solitary or grouped in 2 or 3s; medium size, double, flat; quartered. Colour: purple pink; passes to violet-pink. Fragrance: moderate to strong....This variety is found in the Pépinières de Du Pont before 1813 and was probably also included in the collection of Joséphine. Desportes mentions it in 1828 in his "Rosetum gallicum" as "blackish": the example at L'Haÿ, if it is not erroneous, is far from being so dark.
Book (1848) Page(s) 46. The French Rose. Rosa gallica. 103. Buonaparte; flowers purplish rose, their outline perfectly circular, large and full; form, compact. Habit, erect; growth, moderate. A neat and good Rose.
Magazine (1 Aug 1842) Page(s) 188. London Horticultural Society's Show. Roses. The following fine kinds were shown by Mr. Paul, of Cheshunt: Gallica: Buonaparte...
Book (1832) Page(s) tab 147. Includes photo(s). Buonaparte Rose. Rosa gallica var. Buonapartii.
Stem stout, erect, branching: branches clothed with slender, weak, straight, red prickles, some of which are longer and stouter than the others: the upper part slightly tinged with a reddish colour, green below, and striated with innumerable faint lines. Leaves generally bearing two pair of leaflets, and terminated by an odå one: the upper one either simple, or bearing three leaflets, which are also smaller. Petioles glandularly hairy, bearing a few prickles, some of which are straight, and others more or less hooked: leaflets opposite, on very short footstalks, ovate or elliptic, acute, or sometimes rather bluntish, somewhat unequal at the base, pennately nerved, reticulately veined, and toothed with unequal bluntish teeth, rough between the teeth, the margins tinged with a reddish brown, of a glossy green, and smooth on the upper side; underneath pale whitish green, occasioned by being clothed with numerous white hairs, which are also on the nerves, the midrib clothed more or less with little brown glands. Stipules connected to the base of the footstalk, terminated in ovate acute points, finely serrulated at the edges, fringed, and more or less clothed with little pedicellated brown glands. Flowers terminal, generally 3 or 4, very large and well filled out with petals. Peduncles or flower-stalks hispid, or clothed with very small straight prickles or setæ, some rather larger than the others; terminal one without bractes; the side ones bearing two bractes a little above the base. Bractes elliptic, taper-pointed, glandularly fringed. Tube of the calyx smooth, punctate : segments variable in number, ovate, keeled, tapering to a long slender point, some entire, others more or less divided, pubescent, and glandular. Petals numerous, very much crowded, the outer ones broadest, and of the palest colour; becoming gradually narrower inwards, where they are of a rosy lilac, palest on the under side. This beautiful Rose appears to be intermediate between Rosa gallica, and Rosa centifolia, possessing the characters chiefly of the former, with the habit of the latter; the flower partakes nearly equally alike of both, the form of it being most similar to the former, the colour and scent that of the latter: the plant from which our drawing was made, at the Nursery of Messrs. Whitley, Brames, and Milne, was one of the standards that had been budded standard height, a sort of plant that is now very fashionable, the stock on which they are worked being generally R. canina or R. villosa, or some others of the strong growing wild sorts; those soon produce strong heads, and bear an abundance of flowers, and are at present in great demand.
Magazine (1830) Page(s) 570. The Florist's Guide and Cultivator's Directory, &c. By Robert Sweet....No. `XXXVII. for July, contains... Bonaparte Rose. Intermediate between Rosa gállica and R. centifòlia.
Book (1828) Page(s) 63. Provins. 1455. pourpre ardoisé. Rosa bipinnata. Fl. noirâtre.
Book (1827) Page(s) 273. Provins...Les violettes...l'ardoisée et autrefois la Buonaparte...
Website/Catalog (1826) Page(s) 61. ROSA gallica. couleur de bronze.
Book (1826) Page(s) 713. Rosier de Provins ou gallique. Rosa gallica. Conformément à la division par couleurs principales qu j'avais employée dans la nomenclature de 1818, je vais tâcher d'indiquer les plus remarquables de ces nombreuses variétés, et d'y joindre les nouveaux gains des cultiveurs.: 2°. Les violettes. L'Ardoisée, Buonaparte, le Grand Alexandre; grandes fleurs violettes, très-doubles.