Website/Catalog (2003) Page(s) 31. Argosy. Hybrid Tea. Orange pink. Clark, A. 1938.
Book (30 Sep 1999) Page(s) 15. Argosy – 1938. Large flowered bush rose, salmon flowers flushed pink. No longer available.
Book (1999) [Argosy not listed in main text as being available through nurseries] p138. David Ruston’s Budwood Listing. Argosy [is listed]
Newsletter (1995) Page(s) 19 Vol 4, No. 2. Argosy. HT. 1938. Alister Clark. Souv. De Gustav [sic] Prat sdlg.
Book (1990) p119 Argosy. 1938. Everbl.
p123 Argosy. NRS NSW
Website/Catalog (1987) Page(s) 1. Argosy. HT. A. Clark, 1938. pink blend.
Magazine (1979) Page(s) 4 Vol 1, No. 3. Argosy. 1938. intro by NRS N.S.W. HT. double salmon flushed pink, long stems, free bloom. Souvenir de Gustave Prat x seedling.
Book (1949) Page(s) 112. Mr. S. J. Bisdee, Bagdad, Tasmania. Six indispensables. It has been hard to omit such splendid things as Argosy and …
Book (1947) Page(s) 109. Argosy (Garden). Shapely double fuschia pink blooms on healthy plants; free blooming. A Glenara seedling. F 3 HT.
Website/Catalog (1947) Page(s) 46. Argosy. (H.T.) Perfectly shaped double blooms on long stems, ideal for cutting. Fuchsia pink. The best Australian raised rose in our opinion.