"Mrs. Goode's Special Tea" rose Photos
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When you're trying to get detailed bud photos, you don't always notice the wildlife. South Australia, zone 9b, late summer. As "Mrs Goode's Special Tea".
Uploaded 26 FEB 22 |
South Australia, zone 9b, mid-spring. At Ruston's: much healthier there than in my garden. As "Mrs Goode's Special Tea".
2 favorite votes.
Uploaded 27 OCT 20 |
Back view, different flower. Mid-late summer, South Australia, zone 9b. As "Mrs Goode's Special Tea".
Uploaded 21 FEB 22 |
End of winter. South Australia, zone 9b.
Uploaded 31 AUG 19 |
Back view. Mid-late summer, South Australia, zone 9b. As "Mrs Goode's Special Tea".
Uploaded 21 FEB 22 |
Although this print of 'Marquise de Vivens' from The Garden, 1889 has previously been uploaded, this copy doesn't crop out some of the flower at the top.
Uploaded 19 AUG 18 |
Early summer, South Australia, zone 9b. As "Mrs Goode's Special Tea".
Uploaded 15 DEC 21 |
Illustration and description for "Marquis de Viviens", page 17 of the 1900 Geo. H. Mellen Co., Innisfallen Greenhouses catalogue.
Uploaded 21 APR 18 |
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