'Magnafrano' rose References
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 421. Magnafrano Hybrid Tea. Van Fleet/Conard & Jones, 1900. From 'Magna Charta' (Hybrid Perpetual) x 'Safrano' (Tea). The author cites information from different sources... a brilliant cerise-red... The color is deep, bright, shining rose...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 348. Magnafrano Hybrid Tea Van Fleet, 1900; Conard; Jones ... Flowers rich crimson-rose [mr]...
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 280. Magnafrano Hybrid Tea. Van Fleet/Conard & Jones, 1900. From 'Magna Charata' (Hybrid Perpetual) x 'Safrano' (Tea). The author cites information from different sources... deep, bright, shining rose...
Book (1937) Page(s) 159. Some of us old timers may remember an early Van Fleet Hybrid Tea, Magnafrano (1900). For years it was sold on its own roots and it remained a typical Hybrid Tea. I budded it on Multiflora for breeding purposes and I got plants of Druschki exuberance, thus emphasizing its seed parent, Magna Charta. It is from one of these plants that I bred the climber Virginia.
Book (1936) Page(s) 444. Magnafrano (HT) Dr. v. Fleet 1900; Magna Charta X Safrano; dark crimson, shaded pink, very large, well double, globular, lasting, solitary, fragrance 7/10, floriferous, strong stems, growth 6/10, upright, bushy, hardy.
Website/Catalog (1913) Page(s) 36. Includes photo(s). Hybrid Tea Roses. Magnafrano Rich, deep rose-color in appearance, with a delicious fragrance, the Magnafrano Rose is one of the constant-flowering varieties that has many warm advocates. The flowers are extra large and full, and are borne upon upright, strong canes, and appear like flashing signals beckoning the beholder to come near and admire the softness of the petals, the glowing color and the exquisite fragrance. With so many Roses to select from, one might imagine that this variety could be overlooked; but the truth is, it is worthy of a prominent place in the garden, even after several of the more popular and well-known varieties have been selected.
Book (1910) Page(s) 330. Magnafrano [Hybrid Tea]; a promising novelty with rosy red flowers.
Website/Catalog (1908) Page(s) 31. Magnafrano (HT) Deep rosy carmine.
Book (1906) Page(s) 177-178. Doctor Van Fleet, of Little Silver, N.J., is credited with these: ...Magnafrano, Safrano X Magna Charta. Vigorous and constant blooming; flowers on long stems, four to five inches across, double and perfect; fine buds, bright rich crimson with scarlet shade. A magnificent forcing rose (1898).
Website/Catalog (1900) Page(s) 7. We give special attention to originating new varieties of Roses, and have the pleasure of offering for 1900--A superb New Hybrid Tea Rose "Magnafrano," and our Grand New Hybrid Wichuraiana "Alba Rubifolia," fully described on page 7.
New Hybrid Tea Rose. 'Magnafrano' (C. & J. CO., 1900) This grand Rose was obtained by carefully hybridizing the splendid Hybrid Perpetual Rose, Magna Charta with Safrano Tea. It combines the hardiness and vigor of the former with the free-blooming habit and delightful fragrance of the Tea Roses. The flowers closely resemble Magna Charta in size and fullness, but are more double, and the color is clear deep rose, very beautiful and delightfully sweet. It is a strong healthy grower, and constand and abundant bloomer. Confidently recommended as on