'Red Flare' rose References
Book (2015) Page(s) 121. Translated from Italian: ...It is difficult to date the varieties of roses of Mansuino: The oldest date is that of 'Red Flare' (1954)....attributed to Ada Mansuino according to the patent...the story of the rose in the April 1959 issue of the magazine of the American Rose Society, where Quinto narrates that this rose was cultivated before the German Armed Forces occupied his property in 1944: My last sowing, eight thousand plants were almost completely destroyed. ...On returning after the war, noted that only a few examamples were saved. One was a red climber, that shaded a doghouse. You know it as 'Red Flare'. ...
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 494. 'Red Flare', LCl, dr, 1954 ... description
Book (1981) Page(s) 116. Apart from the typical Miniatures, Quinto Mansuino with the help of his nephews Ada and Michele, raised: 'Aida', 'Red Flare', both patented in the USA; 'Purezza', a Banksiae hybrid which won the Rome Gold Medal 1960; 'Epoca', 'Superba', 'Rubino' and many others.
Website/Catalog (1966) Page(s) 22. Rosai sarmentosi ( rampicanti) rifiorenti a grandi mazzi Red Flare (Mansuino). Fiori rosso scuro.
Website/Catalog (1959) Page(s) 33. Red Flare (Mansuino) Giganteschi fiori doppi rosso scuro. Fiorisce ininterrottamente fino al tardo autunno.
Book (1958) Page(s) 320. Red Flare. Cl. (Mansuino; int. J&P, '54.) Reine Marie Henriette X Paul's Scarlet Climber seedling. Bud globular; fl. large (4-4 1/2 in.), dbl. (40 petals), cupped, fragrant, carmine overcast spectrum-red; singly and cluster. Fol. dark, glossy. Ht. 7-8 ft.; profuse bloom, repeated sparingly. (28) Pl. pat. 1366.