'Governor Phillip' rose Photos
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Photo taken on 2nd December 2023 in Kangaroo Valley, NSW, Australia.
Uploaded 2 DEC 23 |
photo taken at the Nieuwesteeg's, Yellingbo. 2021.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 17 AUG 22 |
John N's garden, Victoria, Australia. End October (spring). Circulated as Lubra, now thought to be Governor Phillip.
Uploaded 2 NOV 23 |
'Governor Phillip'. From the "American Rose Annual", 1942, page 175.
Caption: 'Governor Phillip' CHT. (Mrs. H. C. Fitzhardinge; introduced by Hazlewood, 1939; as bloomed at Breeze Hill). An Australian Climber with huge blooms in shades of red, having one hundred or more petals and rich old-rose fragrance.
Uploaded 19 NOV 11 |
photo taken at the Nieuwesteeg's, Yellingbo, VIC. 2021.
Uploaded 17 AUG 22 |
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