'Red Pierre' rose Reviews & Comments
Dag Rozenmensen , Feit is , dat de zgn 'Red Eden Rose' eigenlijk niet bestaat . Zoals al eerder opgemerkt , heeft de onder die naam dikwijls genoemde roos GEEN uitstaans met de 'Pierre de Ronsard' oga 'rose d' Eden' en 'Eden rose' . De juiste naam is 'Eric Tabarly' , opgetekend onder Meilland 'Meidrason' . In Frankrijk is Eric Tabarly een gekende zeilsporter .
Hier nog een vertaling :
Hello Rosepeople , Actually , the socalled 'Red Eden Rose' does not exist . An earlier remark on this site already noticed the rose commonly known under that name has NO connection wse with the 'Pierre de Ronsard' aka as 'rose d' Eden' en 'Eden rose' . The correct name is 'Eric Tabarly' , the breeder Meilland's registrationmark 'Meidrason' . In France , Eric Tabarly is a famous sailsportsman .
Thank you for that clear information
I want to buy this rose if it is strongly fragrant. As a grower of Red Eden could you please give your opinion about it'sfragrance?
#1 of 1 posted
19 MAY 20 by
We have modified the fragrance to mild to strong - opinions vary. This rose also tends to ball in wet weather.
it does not have a strong fragrant, but a moderate one.
Red Eden was thriving on a west-facing wall next to the pool when my husband and I purchased our current home as a foreclosure in fall 2012, north of Houston, Texas. It had been neglected for at least 3 years and then some more as I went through two difficult pregnancies. It received blistering afternoon sun only and rarely showed any signs of stress or disease. It produced clusters of ruffled crimson globes all year round but balled badly in the rain. Lightly fragrant, they lasted for weeks in a vase. The bush grew tall and gangly, up to 8 feet high. Sadly, it died last summer after a month of drought followed by being "watered" with salty pool water by one of the kids. These photos make me miss it but I don't think I'll plant it again - don't have enough non-poolside space in my yard. Had some wicked thorns, too!