'Red Maman Cochet' rose References
Book (3 Nov 1997) Page(s) 61. Includes photo(s). Aunt Jane's Mystery Tea. Description... In 1954, a passenger arrived in Bermuda on the Queen of Bermuda with two rose bushes which were presented as gifts to the ship captain's wife, Mrs. Jane Banyard. Planted in her garden at Point Shares Cottage, Pembroke, one of the bushes continues to grow there after 42 years...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 412. Niles Cochet Tea, cherry-red on outer petals, lighter within, 1906, ('Red Maman Cochet'); 'Maman Cochet' sport; California Nursery Co.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 54. Niles Cochet ('Red Maman Cochet') Tea. California Nursery Company, 1911. Sport of 'Maman Cochet'. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Newsletter (1984) Page(s) 19. Vol 1, No. 2. Editor [?] Roy Hennessey did have one of the most extensive collections of Tea Roses of any grower in the USA. Here are some of the different varieties of Teas that he carried and his comments about them: Niles Cochet (Tea 1906). This redder form of 'Maman Cochet' is sure at the head of the Teas with so many excellent qualities and good shape too. Then it gets redder as the weather gets warmer, so in warm weather it is quite red and then all the good qualities from its parent, 'Maman Cochet', plus its deeper green leaves and perfect health, make it so lovely, too.
Book (1939) Page(s) 50. [From article "Sporting Tendencies of Newer vs. Older Roses" by P.J. Hort] ...Niles Cochet (1906)....
Book (1936) Page(s) 513. Niles Cochet (tea) Calif. Nurs. Co. 1906; Sport of Maman Cochet; cherry-red, center lighter, medium size, floriferous, good autumn-bloomer, habit like M. C. = Red Maman Cochet
Website/Catalog (1927) Page(s) 36. Niles Cochet. Hybrid Tea. A striking and unusual rose. The outer petals are distinct and different in color, shading from Tyrian rose to pomegranate purple, the inner petals changing from the most delicate sea-shell pink to the faintest of flesh pink. Hailed by garden lovers as superior to the old favorite Maman Cochet. It is a bountiful bloomer, sturdy and strong with fine bright foliage of an ivy green color. This rose was originated on our growing grounds at Niles.
Book (1924) Page(s) 121. Red Cochet (syn. Niles Cochet). California Nursery Co., 1906. (Sport of Maman Cochet.) Hardy. Cherry to deep claret-red on outer petals, lighter within; form almost identical with its parent, but claimed to be a trifle smaller and with better stems; slight fragrance. Fine foliage, and otherwise like its parent. The California Nursery co., of Niles, Calif., catalogue it.
Book (1924) p. 37 "Cutting" Roses for the Southeastern Zone Red. ...Red Cochet Tea. perfect foliage retention - practically no mildew p. 44 "Cutting" Roses for the Pacific Southwestern Zone Red.....Red Cochet Tea. perfect foliage retention - practically no mildew p. 48 "Cutting" Roses for the Interior Southern Zone Red.....Red Cochet Tea. Very good foliage retention
Book (1919) Niles Cochet, T. (California.)