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"Parks' Yellow Tea-scented China - in commerce as" rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 166-941
most recent 25 APR HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 APR by PierreLaPierre
Hello there. Just thought I would add a comment and upload photos of our Park’s Yellow in commerce as that is into its second season in France lower Cévennes zone 8b ish. It was purchased and planted in November 2022 from Loubert as a bare-root assumed grafted onto Laxa. It is currently the most floriferous Rose variety in our gardens and has produced three new shoots around a metre long and the foliage shows not the slightest sign of disease especially black spot which almost all the varieties have to some degree at this time.

There are eight buds and seven open flowers, only the two principal canes appear to have prickles. The flowers are as described here and the scent is definitely strongly citrus- citrus tea. The flower also ressembles Fée Opale; Margaret Furness mentioned this variety to me in previous correspondence when I incorrectly stated that our Parks’ appeared sans prickles. It is non remontant.

PS I read that Parks discovered the original in China along with Banksiae Lutea in 1823/24 so if that is the case is there not a possibility that it could be found again - rediscovered in and around that same area, if the approximate location is known? Just a thought. Excusing myself in advance and putting protective hat on if that has already been explored previously with no positive outcome.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 24 APR by jedmar
Parks supposedly bought this tea rose at the Fa Tee nursery in Canton, so it was not collected in the wild. Fa Tee is known to have brought together plants for sale to the crazy Westerners. The Chinese origin of the rose is thus unknown. Several contenders have been forwarded to be the original Park's Yellow, but I suppose it neeeds DNA analysis of known descendants to be able to make a better guess.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 24 APR by PierreLaPierre
Jedmar thank you for that information. I was just thinking out loud that if the original has been lost in Europe for quite some time then surely somewhere in SE China this variety could be growing not only in the ‘wild’ but private and public gardens? Am I being too simplistic? Today, are there many passionate growers of roses in that area like there are in Europe The US and Australia?
Reply #3 of 5 posted 25 APR by Margaret Furness
Your photos look like a good match for others on the hmf page.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 25 APR by jedmar
Yes, I have Loubert's Parks (bought as Rosa odorata ochtoleuca) - it is identical to the others disseminated by Beales.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 25 APR by PierreLaPierre
Yes Margaret. Realised that this year it’s the bicentenary of the ‘discovery’ / introduction of the original?
Discussion id : 116-830
most recent 23 MAY 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 MAY 19 by Andrew from Dolton
With great anticipation, in its fourth season, having grown 2 m x 4 m the rose Beales sold me as 'Park's Yellow Tea-scented China' finally had ONE flower!
Reply #1 of 6 posted 22 MAY 19 by Patricia Routley
Sandie Maclean once said (in the Comments) “My plant is around 9 years old and has really taken off the last 2 years-more than doubled in size”. I note I obtained my cuttings in 2001 and my first photos were uploaded in 2008. I am sure it just needs a long time to grow up and produce those long canes from which the blooms will come. Next year, Andrew. I am confident you will get your rewards
Reply #2 of 6 posted 23 MAY 19 by Andrew from Dolton
If it is 'Fee Opale' then it probably flowers from 3 year old wood. I have never pruned my rose. It is not a rose that interests me, it is not even that old. I wish I had tried 'Fortune's Yellow' instead.
Reply #3 of 6 posted 23 MAY 19 by billy teabag
Same experience here - what seemed like a long wait for first blooms, and then just a tantalising teaser of one or two - and then, the next season, WOW! So beautiful! And even a single beautiful, cheeky bloom in autumn this year. Once its roots are relaxed and comfortable, it is a very happy and floriferous rose.
Now that it is beautifully established, it has to be dug up and moved because our road is to be widened and this rose and its 14 30-year-old huge and unruly companions are on the wrong side of the new boundary line.
Wish us luck.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 23 MAY 19 by Patricia Routley
Moving a 30 year old tea? The Council are going to build you a nice new thick brick wall with noise deflectors at the top, over which the plants can cascade and tantalise more passers-by for the next 30 years.....aren’t they? Luck, luck and more luck!
Reply #5 of 6 posted 23 MAY 19 by Give me caffeine
You'll need a big digger, but people move massive trees successfully.
Reply #6 of 6 posted 23 MAY 19 by billy teabag
Yes - Some of those tree moving gadgets are marvellous!
Last year I moved some fairly big climbers from the land at the back being resumed for public open space (they are nibbling away at us from both sides) and there were no losses. In fact they have never looked so happy - seem to be really enjoying their new positions and the extra water rations they received to get them through the summer. Only half the age of the roadside roses, but encouraging. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Oh Patricia - how I wish! No - no lovely stone fence and no room for roses along the new boundary on that roadside. They are resuming 3 and a half metres which will bring the boundary to the base of the big Agonis Peppermint Trees - too shady and too much root competition for happy roses.
These will have to go around the corner to the South-west boundary corridor. If they survive the move, they should be happy there - a bit less shade and they won't have to take the full force of the beastly easterlies.
It's going to be interesting to see how they respond to a hard cut back though.
Discussion id : 105-429
most recent 15 FEB 18 SHOW ALL
Initial post 8 SEP 17 by Andrew from Dolton
“Short, well-branched. Glossy foliage. Height of 39" to 4' 11" (100 to 150 cm)."

“Continuous (perpetual) bloom throughout the season. Medium, long buds.”

I bought his rose from Beales last autumn. It never flowered and has grown shoots over 2 metres long. It looks nothing like the Redouté picture, It cannot possibly be ‘Park’s Yellow’.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 10 SEP 17 by jedmar
We are quite certain it was misidentified by Beales. The original 'Park's Yellow' was a delicate tea, not this vigorous climber. Your rose is most probably 'Fée Opale' by Bruant. We are waiting for someone to compare the genetics of "Park's Yellow in commerce" with 'Fortune's Double Yellow' before merging the former with 'Fée Opale'.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 15 FEB 18 by Andrew from Dolton
Against a south facing wall with a large sheet of glass covering it, but open at both ends, this rose has steadily grown two shoots since October that are now 50cm long.
Discussion id : 97-471
most recent 19 FEB 17 SHOW ALL
Initial post 12 FEB 17 by Andrew from Dolton
Peter Beales, A Passion for Roses. Published by Mitchell Beazley. 2004 edition.

The Chinas

One of the first Chinas to arrive in Europe came in 1789 in the form of 'Old Blush', a soft pink variety. A few years later a red form was introduced, this one coming via India; it was, at first, called 'Bengal Rose', but later became known as 'Slater's Crimson' or R. chinensis 'Semperflorens'. Two more came from China during the next few decades; 'Odorata', known as 'Hume's Blush' and 'Parks Yellow' or R odorata 'Ochroleuca'. These four became known as the "four stud Chinas". All were related by natural fertilization to R. gigantea, and this mix of genes would later lead on to the Portlands, Bourbons, the Tea roses and so on.
Over the years I have acquired a stock of all four of the original Chinas and I am satisfied that they are authentic but, it must be said, their legitimacy has been challenged by others from time to time. I try to keep an open mind on matters of authenticity but the issue usually boils down to what else could they be, if they are not the real thing; I am never able to answer that question. Sometimes, I must admit, I find these challenges of authenticity, however well meant, get in the way of more pleasurable side of rose appreciation.

Now to return to 'Odorata' and 'Parks Yellow', two of the original stud Chinas. These two roses are sometimes listed as Tea roses but I feel they are better placed here as Chinas. 'Odorata' has double, blush white, fragrant flowers and is quite vigorous, up to 1.8m (6ft). Growing about the same height, 'Park's Yellow' has numerous flowers in its first flush and a spasmodic crop later; the blooms are fragrant, semi-double, and pale sulphur-yellow with orange-tinted edges, the orange deepening as the flower mature. Both this rose and 'Odorata' need to be grown in sheltered positions in cooler climates since they are susceptible to damage by severe frost.
Reply #1 of 16 posted 12 FEB 17 by jedmar
Unfortunately, we know that 'Park's Yellow' as re-introduced by Peter Beales is definitely not the correct rose. We can only be sure of 'Old Blush'.
Reply #2 of 16 posted 12 FEB 17 by Andrew from Dolton
Do we know where the Beales got this rose from?
Reply #3 of 16 posted 12 FEB 17 by jedmar
No, he was asked, but he said he cannot remember. You can find this somewhere on the Internet. I believe it is actually 'Fée Opale' and that he probably received it from L'Haÿ where it had lost its name tag in the course of World War II. This is a hypothesis and not proven by genetical analysis (yet).
Reply #4 of 16 posted 13 FEB 17 by billy teabag
In 'Classic Roses', Peter Beales wrote "Parks' Yellow: Said to be the original Tea rose, I believe I have this rose, but sadly have no recollection or record of whence or from whom it came. Perhaps a reader will remember and remind me to acknowledge."
Reply #5 of 16 posted 14 FEB 17 by jedmar
Thank you, Billy! This was exactly the quotation I was thinking of.
Reply #6 of 16 posted 18 FEB 17 by Andrew from Dolton
So, do all the roses on this page that are being grown on three continents around the world as 'Parks' Yellow Tea-Scented China' originate from the same source as Peter Beales'? They all look quite similar.
Reply #7 of 16 posted 19 FEB 17 by billy teabag
Hi Andrew. It is my understanding that all originated from plants or budwood sourced from Peter Beales Roses.
Reply #8 of 16 posted 19 FEB 17 by Andrew from Dolton
Thanks Billy, such a shame Mr Beales had a lapse in his memory. I planted this rose along with other China roses in big pots up against a sunny wall with panels of glass protecting them, so far they seem to be growing reasonably well. It would be great to actually see pictures of 'Fee Opale' to compare it with.
Reply #9 of 16 posted 19 FEB 17 by jedmar
Patricia, you seem to have 'Fée Opale' in your garden. Can you upload some photos?
Reply #10 of 16 posted 19 FEB 17 by Patricia Routley
I thought the probable identification of 'Fee Opale' for 'Parks Yellow' was quite logical and listed 'Fee Opale' as growing in my garden. (Apparently I am the only person in the world who thinks so.) But I have never moved my photos which are still in the Parks' Yellow Tea-scented China (in commerce as) file. The rose came to me as 'Park's Yellow' - see the 2013 reference in 'Fee Opale'.
Reply #11 of 16 posted 19 FEB 17 by jedmar
I see. Ok, I will try to go to L'Haÿ this spring to make some photos.
Reply #15 of 16 posted 19 FEB 17 by billy teabag
Jedmar - do you know whether the rose labelled 'Fée Opale' at L'Haÿ is the original rose, or if it was received as Parks' Yellow?
Reply #16 of 16 posted 19 FEB 17 by jedmar
Bruant's FDY seedlings 'Fée Opale' and 'Rosabelle' were at L'Haÿ in 1902 and are still listed. It will not have been received as Park's Yellow, as this hypothesis is very new and FO was not in commerce until very recently. So there is a chance that it is the original rose.
Reply #12 of 16 posted 19 FEB 17 by Andrew from Dolton
This rose is so very different to the original 'Parks Yellow Tea-Scented China' i.e. far more vigorous and once flowering. If nurseries are selling a rose that so obviously isn't correct, and at least two in the U.K. are, then it is verging on fraudulent. There were some very severe winters in Europe in the first half of the 19th century 1840-41 was particularly brutal. A tender rose could have easily been lost to cultivation in these conditions, it's a shame it never reached California or Australia then this warmth loving rose might have survived.
Reply #13 of 16 posted 19 FEB 17 by Margaret Furness
There are large numbers of roses being sold world-wide under names known to be wrong. I wouldn't call it intentionally fraudulent though. In some cases the public want the rose to stay with the name they're used to - Jean Ducher is a classic example.
Reply #14 of 16 posted 19 FEB 17 by Andrew from Dolton
Yes this is true, but rose breeders in particular seem to be especially good at muddling up nomenclature. Thankfully we have HMF!
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