'Ravensworth' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
28 JUL 21 by
Good evening, I was just wondering, what is the difference between Ravenworth and Étoile de mai ? Thank you.
Etoile de Mai isn't available in Australia for comparison, but according to its file on helpmefind, it was bred. Ravensworth occurred as a sport on Perle d'Or, and has been seen to revert to it. It can get as tall as Perle d'Or, so it's a much bigger bush than the description of Etoile de Mai.. The flowers are soft yellow, fading quickly to white.
#2 of 3 posted
30 JUL 21 by
Thank you Margareth for your reply. I am cultivating étoile de mai and perle d'or. Étoile de mai is more floriferous than perle d'or in my garden. My plant comes from thé Rogue valley nursery. There are not a lot of information in thé littérature about this rose.
I think a plant of Ravensworth was sent to a collector of Poly-Teas in Canada. Other than that, I don't know of it outside Australia.
Since this poor thing is being neglected and doesn't have any comments yet, I thought it should have one.
Don't take the lack of comments as a judgement against this rose. It's really good. I have Perle D'Or (the parent cultivar) as well and Ravensworth has been more vigorous for me. This is odd as Perle is in better soil. Both are grafted on multiflora stock.
Perle got the full "let's make a rose bed with really good soil" treatment. Ravensworth got a hole in unimproved volcanic clay, with some topsoil mixed in the hole, and some horse poo thrown around the place on top. It has been watered sometimes, but has also gone a bit short at other times. I've also been slack about weeding, and I'm frankly not sure if I've ever fed it anything apart from the initial dose of horse poo.
Despite all this it is usually perfectly healthy, although the foliage can look a bit ratty sometimes, and flowers its head off whenever it's in the mood. After 34 months in the ground, starting as some tiny sticks, it is now about 4 feet high and wide and is maintaining a neat form. It does have thorns, but it's still quite easy to work with.
I think it's one of the best roses I have. I'm intending to try own root cuttings next year as I would like a few more of this variety around the place. I may also try giving Perle a similar location, as it's possible that spoiling Perle too much may not be what it likes.
Oh yes, while I think of it: apparently Ravensworth sometimes reverts to Perle. Mine hasn't actually produced any Perlesque blooms as such, but it will sometimes get hints of apricot in the colour instead of the usual buttery/cream.