'Ravensworth' rose References
Magazine (Dec 2021) Page(s) 15. Vol 43, No. 4. Includes photo(s). Deane Ross. Mlle Cecile Brunner and her Entourage..... Maureen Ross' post script 2021: A soft yellow rose identical to Perle d’Or was found by Deane on a Tasmanian property called ‘Ravensworth’, therefore we gave this rose the same name (introduced 1999).
Newsletter (Jun 2005) Page(s) 15. Vol 14, No. 2. Correction from Autumn Edition of The Rose Breeder In the item written by Bonita Cattell “The Nightmare of a Novice” (p4) the breeding of a rose ’Ravenswood – Yellow Perle D’Or, was incorrectly attributed to Lilia Weatherly. The rose was discovered by Maureen Ross and her late husband Deane, more than 15 years ago, on a property in Tasmania. They named it ’Ravenswood’ after the property it was found on and took cuttings to propagate it. Maureen believes the rose is a sport of ‘Perle D’Or’ as it reverts to ‘Perle’ from time to time, as is typical of sports. We apologise to Maureen and to Lilia for the error in the original article.
Newsletter (Mar 2005) Page(s) 4. Vol 14, No. 1. Bonita Cattell. ….I have …. Lillia Wetherley’s ‘Ravenswood – Yellow Perle D’Or’
Book (2002) p64 [picture of building] Caption: Ravensworth, built in 1826, has given its name to a pale yellow sport of the apricot-coloured ‘Perle d’Or’.
p66. Then came ‘Ravensworth’. ……..I discovered in in Ross’s catalogue and it was of particular interest to me because it had been found in an early Tasmanian garden and is a sport of the redoubtable ‘Perle d’Or’. Only the colour is different. ‘Ravensworth’ is a soft creamy yellow. It is named for the house where it was found – one of those simple, dignified Georgian houses so characteristic of Tasmania. The house was built as early as 1826 and, like Forest Hall, is surrounded by ancient trees – oaks, cedars and maples, magnolias, sweet chestnuts and pears. The rose known as ‘Ravensworth’ is growing in dense shade under trees that meet overhead. The bush has grown huge, as ‘Perle d’Or’ does if given its freedom, and although there were no blooms on the day of my visit the spent heads told of a prolific harvest. The house had stayed in one family, as houses sometimes do in Tasmania, for over a hundred years. The present owners have lived and gardened there for twenty-eight years. ‘Perle d’Or’ had come to Ravensworth years ago as a cutting from a keen and knowledgeable gardener, Sheila Gee, a descendant of one of the early settlers. I was given cuttings of ‘Ravensworth’. They struck as readily as those of its parent do. For the first year I grew them in large pots at the back door. This was a rose I felt I could not do without and here there was no chance of the plants being neglected. This year I have allotted them a place in the blacksmith’s garden near ‘Perle d’Or’ itself, and its other relative ‘Phyllis Bide’.
Website/Catalog (2002) Page(s) 12. 'Ravensworth'. A yellow form of 'Perle d’Or' with clusters of small straw-yellow blooms on a short bushy shrub. Recurrent. O.F. Grafted only
Magazine (2001) Page(s) 13. Vol 23, No. 1. Julie Lack, For those of you lucky enough to be looking for something new in old roses you might like to try 'Ravensworth', the yellow sport of the china rose 'Perle d’Or'. It was new in my garden this year but seems to be just as good as 'Perle d’Or', though like so many old ‘yellow’ roses, it helps if you squint to see the yellow (actually cream with a soft lemon centre).
Book (1999) Page(s) 84. 'Ravensworth' (Golden Perle d’Or). Sport of Perle d’Or. Found Growing at ‘Ravensworth’, Tasmania. China. Yellow. (available from): Ross Roses.