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'Francis B. Hayes' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 334.  
Hayes, Frances B. (hybrid bourbon or tea) May 1892; glossy crimson, small, double, lasting, fragrance 8/10, floriferous, medium size buds, beautiful foliage, growth 6/10.
Magazine  (1893)  Page(s) 64.  
Frances B. Hayes (John N. May 93)
Book  (1892)  Page(s) 88.  
F. B. Hayes (Hybrid China.) — This is a summer bedding rose. Will be invaluable, as it is very free blooming and of a bright, clear crimson color.
Magazine  (4 Apr 1891)  Page(s) 213.  
The Spring Exhibition of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Boston, Mass. This show was opened at Horticultural Hall, Tuesday, March 31....Further on to the right could be seen an excellent display of cut roses from James Comely of Lexington (gardener to Francis B. Hayes), and among them a large number of the new rose, Oakmont, and Francis B. Hayes, of which he is the originator, and the stock of which he recently sold to Mr. John N. May
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